Several students from the School participated in this year’s symposium on Friday, May 20. Below is a list of the students. Follow the session links to click on the presentation titles and see project descriptions.

Poster Presentation

Emelia May Hughes, Informatics (Human-Computer Interaction) + Art, co-presented "Introducing Citations to Video-Sharing Platforms" in Poster Session 3 (this poster is fifth from the bottom of the page).

Virtual Lightning Talk

Joyce Lin, Interaction Design, Mary Gates Scholar: "Music Accessibility for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing People" in a session titled Environment, Justice, and Accessibility in a Global Context.

Oral Presentations

Both were made in a session titled "Movement, Memory, and Matter."

Em Chan, Art History, Mary Gates Scholar: "Memory Made Material: Unearthing the Histories of Monumental Matter."

Alexander William Betz, Art History + Biochemistry, UW Honors Program: "The Flow of Life in Winslow Homer's Late Marines." He was mentored by Art History Assistant Professor and Kollar Endowed Chair in American Art Juliet Sperling.

Visual Arts & Design Showcase

Ruby Khin Barone, Art History + Comparative History of Ideas, Mary Gates Scholar: "Words and Weapons: The RAMM:ΣLL:ZΣΣ’s Formula for Reclaiming the Power of Language" in the Showcase.