Book illustration by Bill Holm

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Autumn 2022 Newsletter

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Jacob Lawrence Gallery

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Interaction Design Associate Professor Audrey Desjardins is co-Principal Investigator on a National Science Foundation Award of nearly $1.8 million over three years.

Art History Assistant Professor Juliet Sperling is at The Huntington during this academic year as a Barbara Thom Postdoctoral Fellow.

Studio Matthews, which is led by Visual Communication Design Associate Professor Kristine Matthews, has recently won awards for two projects.

Photo/Media Professor Ellen Garvens has a solo exhibition titled Holding Unsteady at Koplin Del Rio Gallery through November 5.

Visual Communication Design Professor Karen Cheng is the first recipient of the new Design Alumni Endowed Faculty Fellowship.

Two Industrial Design undergraduates — Ann Lai and Carter Heikkila — were part of a September 14 panel at the International Design Conference in Seattle.

Kathleen Ash-Milby (BA 1991) is curator of Dakota Modern: The Art of Oscar Howe, which initially opened at the National Museum of the American Indian in New York City and will soon be on view at Portland Art Museum.

Han Edward So Eckelberg (BA 2022; aka Eckel Tech) recently unveiled Bruce Lee Ascending in the UW's Odegaard Undergraduate Library. It is a work he first designed in a 2020 Art class. Note that a current UW Husky Card is required to see the artwork.

Onyx Montes (BA 2014) was featured in a September Newcity Art article regarding her work towards salary transparency in the museum world.

These folks have new positions: Peter Nesbett (MA 1995; Director of Mitchell Gallery at St. John’s College in Maryland), Krista Schoening (MFA 2015, MA 2019; Assistant Professor of Painting at University of Arkansas Little Rock), Anna Wager (PhD 2018; Curator of Exhibitions at University of Buffalo Art Galleries), and Jayme Yahr (PhD 2012; Executive Director / Curator of Carpinteria Valley Museum of History in California).

Read all alumni news since our last newsletter: July, August, September, and October.


Leo Carmona, Media Relations Specialist,

