Artist in Residence, Art History ART 302krice@uw.eduPersonal WebsiteFields of Interest 20th Century 21st Century Art History Contemporary Critical Theory Background and ExperienceSummaryEducationPhC, Art History, University of Washington, 1999 (all but dissertation)MA, Art History, Rice University, 1994BA, Art History, Western Washington University, 1990Kolya Rice was a full-time Lecturer during the 2017–2018 academic year. He also taught full-time during the 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 academic years. Rice has taught Art History courses at the University of Washington semi-regularly since the 1990s. He has also taught at Cascadia College, University of Puget Sound, and Seattle University. Additionally, Rice gives lectures and teaches adult continuing education classes such as for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. LinkedIn profile Courses Taught Spring 2025 ART H 203 A: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 400 B: ART History and Criticism Winter 2025 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 492 A: Alternative Art Forms Since 1960 Autumn 2024 ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography ART H 380 A: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art Summer 2024 Full-term ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Spring 2024 ART H 203 A: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 309 B: Topics in Art History Winter 2024 ART H 381 A: Art Since World War II Autumn 2023 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 380 A: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art Summer 2023 Full-term ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Spring 2023 ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography ART H 380 A: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art Winter 2023 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 400 D: Art History And Criticism: Contesting the Status Quo: Art & Social Action Since 1960 Autumn 2022 ART H 203 A: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 492 A: Alternative Art Forms Since 1960 Summer 2022 Full-term ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Spring 2022 ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography ART H 400 A: ART History and Criticism: Revolutionary Arts of the 20th Century: Futurism to Fluxus ART H 499 A: Individual Projects Winter 2022 ART H 203 A: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 400 A: Art History And Criticism: Contesting the Status Quo: Art and Social Action Since 1960 Autumn 2021 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 381 A: Art Since World War II Summer 2021 Full-term ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Spring 2021 ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography ART H 400 B: Art History And Criticism: Art/Theory of Modernism: Realism to Abstract Expressionism Winter 2021 ART H 203 A: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 203 AA: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 203 AB: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 203 AC: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 203 AD: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art Autumn 2020 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Summer 2020 Full-term ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Spring 2020 ART H 220 A: Survey of American Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Winter 2020 ART H 380 A: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art ART H 400 A: Art History And Criticism: Contesting the Status Quo: Art and Social Action since 1960 ART H 525 A: Topics In Modern And Contemporary Art And Architecture: Contesting the Status Quo: Art and Social Action since 1960 Autumn 2019 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 309 A: Topics in Art History: 20th Century American Art and Criticism Summer 2019 Full-term ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Spring 2019 ART H 203 A: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 380 A: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art Winter 2019 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 273 A: History and Theory of Photography Autumn 2018 ART H 381 A: Art Since World War II ART H 484 A: Topics in Modern Art: Contesting the Status Quo: Art and Social Action Since 1960 Summer 2018 Full-term ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art Spring 2018 ART H 203 A: Survey of Western Art-Modern ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art Winter 2018 ART H 270 A: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art ART H 380 A: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art Autumn 2017 ART H 381 A: Art Since World War II ART H 492 A: Alternative Art Forms Since 1960 ART H 525 B: Topics In Modern And Contemporary Art And Architecture: Alternative Art Forms Since 1960 Summer 2017 Full-term ART H 203 A: Survey Of Western Art-Modern ART H 309 A: Topics In Art History Spring 2017 ART H 270 A: Art/identity Politics: Issues Of Representations In Contemporary Art Related News Related News Suyama Space Dec 8, 2017 Transitions 2017 Sep 7, 2017 Exhibit – Soft Power, Activated Oct 16, 2012