Once again, the School has seen changes in staff and faculty since last autumn. We have a separate news post about the two new faculty who joined us recently.

Administrator Risa Morgan Lewellyn, who saw us through four years of challenges, retired during summer 2018. She is missed, but we hope that she is enjoying some much-deserved rest. After an extensive search, the School hired Violetta Walker for this position. She comes to us from Harvard University and has over ten years of experience with financial and HR administration, which will aid her in learning the ropes for the many aspects of this job.

Mariama Salia, Fiscal Specialist, was with us nearly two years and was often the first person that people saw when entering the School's administrative office. She departed for new adventures in another state. Ruth Kazmerzak, who holds a BFA from our Photomedia program and a Bachelor of Science from UW Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, began working in the Fiscal Specialist position during the summer. Because the position is now half-time, they are able to continue pursuing artistic and scientific endeavors.

Four full-time Lecturers have transitioned in one way or another. Morten Steen Hansen taught for the Division of Art History over two years. He is currently a resident at the Danish Academy in Rome, and he will continue his connection with the School as affiliate faculty. Michael Kritzer, in the Division of Design, taught full-time during the last academic year and is continuing as a part-time lecturer during 2018–2019. Dan Paz taught for two years in our Interdisciplinary Visual Arts program. They will teach two classes for UW Comparative History of Ideas this year, and both classes will be open to School students. Kate Roberts also taught for two years; she was in 3D4M: ceramics + glass + sculpture. Roberts has joined the University of Memphis as a tenure-track faculty member.