Inheritance by Katherine Groesbeck

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Presenting Art History

Submitted on January 7, 2020 - 11:48am

Faculty from the Division of Art History regularly present their research at venues around the country and beyond. Several are doing so during this academic year.

College Art Association

The 2020 CAA Conference takes place in Chicago during mid-February. Over 5,000 art historians, artists, designers, and related professionals will be in attendance.

Associate Professor Sonal Khullar is chairing a session on February 14 titled "Languages of Art History," which is sponsored by the International Committee.

Alum and part-time lecturer Melanie Enderle is presenting "American Heroes and British Heroines in Scenes of Arthurian Legends Through the Eyes of the Brandywine School and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood" in a session titled "Arthurian Legend in American Art" on February 14.

Other Venues

There are other professional conferences and symposia plus invited lectures throughout the year.

Assistant Professor Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse presented "The Northwest Coast Art Gallery at the new Burke Museum" during a session titled "Curating Now II: Exhibitions, Collections, and Community Engagement" on October 3, 2019, at the Native American Art Studies Association Conference in Minneapolis.

Assistant Professor Adair Rounthwaite presented "This Is Not My World: Performance in Public Space in Socialist Zagreb" on November 10, 2019, during the American Society for Theatre Research / Theatre Library Association Conference in Arlington.

Professor Estelle Lingo is giving a lecture (in English) titled "The Baroque and the Renaissance: Finding the Gap" on January 19 at the Kunsthistorische Museum Vienna in conjunction with their Caravaggio & Bernini exhibition.

Bunn-Marcuse is participating in a symposium titled "Preserving Performance in the Pacific Northwest," which takes place at the Royal BC Museum in Victoria on February 21.

Associate Professor Sonal Khullar is presenting "Postcolonial Worldliness" at a Brown University symposium titled "Art History, Postcolonialism and the Global Turn" on April 3 in Providence.

Lingo is part of a roundtable discussion about "Artemisia Gentileschi and the Ethics of Scholarship" on April 4 at The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.

Khullar is participating in a panel discussion titled "Problematizing the 'Global'" on May 5 during the Art Curators Conference taking place in Seattle.

Bunn-Marcuse is co-presenting on the topic of curation with two Burke Museum colleagues at the Native American Indigenous Studies Association Conference in Toronto during early May.

