Chair, Industrial Design
Associate Professor, Industrial Design
School Alum
Fields of Interest
Jason O. Germany is an Associate Professor and current Chair of the Industrial Design program. Prior to his appoint at UW in the autumn of 2015, he was a faculty member in the Product Design program at the University of Oregon for five years. Professor Germany teaches across a range of courses in the undergraduate and graduate program within the Division of Design including studios in softgoods, ID foundations, medical / health, digital product experiences, transportation, and digital fabrications as well as industry collaborative classes. This course work has been complimented by his research investigations over the years which take a systems based approach and cover several overlapping fields of interests including design entrepreneurship, urban computing, digital product semantics and rescue / medical device design. As an investigator on several funded research projects, he actively collaborates with departments and researchers from across campus in addition to outside organizations.
Prior to his academic appointments, Professor Germany worked as a senior industrial designer and project lead before before his career in academics. During that time, his work experience ranged from design firms and action sports to housewares and mobile devices; in each case, creating and executing within interdisciplinary groups. As a result, his designs have received numerous patents as well as regional, national, and international awards, including an ID Magazine’s Best in Category and IDEA Golds for consumer products and medical & health categories.
Selected Research
- Arabi, S., Germany, J.O., Ketan, M., Shasheendra, A., Kao, E., Wang, X., Ringgold, K., Emery, A., White, n., Bulger, E. (2024). "Therapeutic Limb Hypothermia for the Treatment of Traumatic Acute Limb Ischemia". Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
- Germany, J.O., Shasheendra A., Mhetre K., Aarabi S., (2023). “Digital to Physical Medical Modeling: Industrial Design Activities in Support of a Limb Cooling Medical Device”. International Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE) – Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design
- Yang, Z., Germany, J.O., (2022). “Bespoke and Repetitive: Converging Technologies inthe Design of Custom Products”. International Applied Human Factors and ErgonomicsConference (AHFE) – Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design
- Department of Defense (DoD) – Defense Medical Research and Development“Therapeutic Limb Cooling to Prevent Amputation in pDCR”Program Award – (Sept. 2017 – Sept. 2022) Amount: $1,499,467 Role: Co-Principle investigator
- Core77 International Design Award 2021, “Runner Up - 2nd Place” – Commercial EquipmentWorldVent Ventillator, Lead designer
- IDSA - International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) 2021, “Gold ” – Medical & HealthWorldVent Ventillator, Lead designer
- COVID-19 ventilator
- Lund, J., Germany, J.O.; (2020). “Leveraging Empathic Strategies: Prototyping for Commercial Space Vehicle Design”. The Design Research Conference (DRS 2020), August 2020; Brisbane, Australia (virtual)
- Amazon Catalyst Grant (Amazon Catalyst Fellow) – (2018 – 2019)“A Feedback Controlled Pressure Monitoring System for Limb-Stabilizing Medical AirSplints”Amount: $10,000Role: Principle investigator
- Germany, J.O.; Lund, J. (2019). “Form Follows Story: An Approach to Designing for Commercial Space Travel”. – The Intl. Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE ’19), Sept. 2019; Glasgow, UK
- Germany, J.O.; Speranza, P.; Anthony, D. (2019). “Eliciting Public Display Awareness and Engagement: An Experimental Study and Semantic Strategy” – The Intl. Journalof Human Computer Interaction
- Germany, J.O. Lillegard, N. (2017). “Transdisciplinary Coursework in Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities”. – The Intl. Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE ’17), Sept. 2017; Oslo, Norway
- Jason O. Germany (co-authored with Philip Speranza). "Assembly, Space, and Things: Urban Food Genome, Urban Interaction, and Bike Share" in Enriching Urban Spaces with Ambient Computing, the Internet of Things, and Smart City Design, edited by Shin'ichi Konomi and George Roussos. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2017.
- Germany, J.O. (2016). “Ad Hoc Pairings: Semantic Relationships and Mobile Devices”. - The Design Research Conference (DRS 2016), June 2016; Brighton, UK
- Germany, J.O. (2015). “Device Relationships: The Social Attributes of Ad Hoc Mobile Devices”. - The Intl. Assoc. of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR ‘15), November 2015; Brisbane, Australia
- UW CoMotion Innovation Gap Fund (Jan. 2024 – Jan. 2025)“TPT-Finder, an AI-enabled multi-sensing instrument for surgical application”Amount: $50,000Role: Co-Principle Investigator
Research Advised
- Kris Brauer. "Cognitive Design Strategies for High-Risk Sports: Using Bias and Heuristics to Guide Users Actions In Stressful Scenarios." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2024.
- Zerong Yang. "Bespoke and Repetitive: Converging Technologies in the Design of Custom Products." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2022.
- Solji Lee. "Universal Access to Autonomous Taxi." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2021.
- Justin Lund. "Coalesce: Leveraging Generative Tools in Industrial Design Practice." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2020.
- Heidi Biggs. "Feeling Climate Change: Intersections of Climate Change and Everyday Cycling." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2019.
- Matt Imus. "The Lesson Design Toolkit: Lesson Planning As Experience Design." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2019.
Spring 2025
Winter 2025
Autumn 2024
Winter 2024
Autumn 2023
Winter 2023
Autumn 2022
Winter 2022
Professional AffiliationsIndustrial Designers Society of America (IDSA), Design Society (DS), Design Research Society (DRS)