Image Title Published
Ron Chew
2021 Anne Focke Arts Leadership Award
Geography of Innocence installation by Barbara Earl Thomas
Lawrence + Thomas at SAM
Popsicle Punk Exploration by Katherine Munoz-Castano
Animation through IVA
Juliet Sperling
Juliet Sperling + Jacob Lawrence
Presently by Gigi Costello-Montgomery
Second Try
Holly Chan
Q+A with Holly Chan
Header image and text for New York Times article
The Unmitigated Chaos of America’s Attempt at Color-Coded Covid Guidance
Holding Fire 2 by Barbara Earl Thomas
Alumni News – March 2021
Still composite from GUILLOTINÆ WannaCry, Act Yellow: BreakRoom by Sofía Córdova
Spring 2021 Part-Time Faculty
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse
First Nations art, resistance and governance in Canada
Curt Labitzke
Print artist’s work focuses on bugs that fascinate and frighten us
Portion of 2019 Master of Design installation at Henry Art Gallery
2021 MFA + MDes Thesis Exhibition
Graduation Exhibition 1 in 2019
2021 Graduation Exhibitions
Alexis Calma in Rome
Art History + English
Graphic listing artists in the 2020 Neddy at Cornish exhibition
Crowd Within | Neddy at Cornish Exhibition
Graphic image of Art and Music Buildings
Upgrade on the horizon for Art and Music Buildings
Juliet Sperling
ART H 400 spring seminar will celebrate the legacy of artist Jacob Lawrence
Marisa Williamson performance in Jacob Lawrence Gallery
First Floor Renovation
Illustration of what students see and hear in Native Art of the Northwest Coast class
Surveying the Native art of the Pacific Northwest
Barbara Earl Thomas
The Illuminating Work Of Barbara Earl Thomas Is Finally In Display At The Seattle Art Museum
Lane Eagles
Alumni News – February 2021
Loïs Mailou Jones self portrait on cover of Rebecca VanDiver book
Kollar Symposium in American Art History: Legacies and Futures
Emilio Monahan displaying his artwork
Out in the elements, for art
Color wheel by Autumn Liu
New Courses in the Arts for Non-Majors
Sweet Virtual Vibes poster
Sweet Virtual Vibes with SassyBlack