Guide to Design 166

Collaborative Design

Every quarter design students engage in collaborative projects through valuable partnerships with peers, alumni, and businesses. This story highlights four collaborations from Autumn 2024.

February 12, 2025
ARTH480 Highlights. Courtesy of Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse

ARTH 480/533: Museums and Decolonization

UW Students visit Seattle area museums with Art History Professor Bunn-Marcuse. Written by Mariah Ribeiro, graduate student in Art History and student in ARTH 533.

January 18, 2024
Photo: Natalie O'Rourke

Design Pecha Kucha 2024: Summer and Fall of Design

Watch the 18 brief presentations by design students from across VCD, IxD and ID, about their past Summer and Fall of Design.

January 16, 2024
Sweet Violet Breeze

Japanese Woodcut Prints

A collaborative Printmaking studio + Art History course focused on the History of Japanese Woodcut prints. An exhibition in Art building features work by participating artists.

June 9, 2023
Class project made of textiles and found objects by Hayden Stern

ART 285: Introduction to New Genres

Hayden Stern, a transfer student new to UW, shares their experience in this autumn quarter class taught by Interdisciplinary Visual Art Assistant Professor Rob Rhee. The class ultimately redirected Stern's focus in the Art major.

January 9, 2023
Associate Professor Marek Wieczorek and students in a museum

Study Abroad in Amsterdam and the Netherlands

Summer 2022 fortunately enabled the reemergence of study abroad offerings through the School. We were pleased to send undergraduate students on a 10-week immersive Art History program…

September 28, 2022
Book covers with Queer Night Life at center

Celebrating Pride Month

Celebrate Pride Month and the history, progress, and power of the LGBTQIA+ community through a collection of works by College of Arts & Sciences faculty, students, and alumni.

May 31, 2022
Person viewing work by Junke Hu

ART 390: Drawing as Thinking, Making, and Serious Play

Assistant Professor Sangram Majumdar joined the Painting + Drawing faculty at UW in autumn quarter. He and four students recently reflected on the Intermediate Drawing class that took place during winter quarter.

April 8, 2022
Alexander Betz

Undergrads in a Grad Seminar

During winter quarter 2022, Art History Honors undergraduate students, Em Chan and Alexander Betz, engaged in the newly designed graduate seminar ART H 500 (Methods of Art History) taught by Professor Estelle Lingo.

April 7, 2022
Four students wearing masks in a gallery setting

BA in Art Departmental Honors Program: Updates from Current Students

Seniors Kristen Walter and Tiffany-Ashton Gatsby reflect on their experiences in Art 480: Cross-Disciplinary Honors in Art. The course was taught by Rob Rhee during autumn 2021.

January 10, 2022
Grey industrial sculpture with seat by Dozie Kanu

2022 Critical Issues Lecture Series

This lecture series is held January 14 – March 4 and is hosted in collaboration with the Henry Art Gallery. The lectures are free and open to the public.

January 3, 2022
Students in ART 496 hanging an artwork

Curating Contemporary Art

Each summer quarter, students gather for a class titled Curating Contemporary Art, a Jacob Lawrence Gallery Practicum. Some of the students go on to work as paid interns in the gallery during the following academic year.

October 3, 2021
Cover image for Pressbook titled Jacob Lawrence in Seattle

Jacob Lawrence in Seattle: UW Students and Libraries Create New Book

Essays written by students in a new class about former Professor of Art Jacob Lawrence's work and teaching were combined into an online publication using Pressbook.

August 5, 2021
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse

First Nations art, resistance and governance in Canada

Art History Assistant Professor Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse taught a winter quarter 2021 microseminar for graduate students titled First Nations Art, Resistance, and Governance: Haida and Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw Art Against Extraction.

March 18, 2021
Emilio Monahan displaying his artwork

Out in the elements, for art

During autumn quarter 2020, 3D4M Assistant Professor Michael Swaine taught an introductory sculpture class entirely outdoors. It was featured in an Arts & Sciences Perspectives article.

February 24, 2021
Color wheel by Autumn Liu

New Courses in the Arts for Non-Majors

Two faculty members — Annabelle Gould and Whitney Lynn — applied to the Arts Division in the College of Arts & Sciences early last year to develop new courses for non-majors. Both were taught for the first time in winter quarter 2021.

February 23, 2021
Museum guide interns with Berette Macaulay

Museum Guide Interns

The Henry Art Gallery and the School have long partnered on educational projects. One of these is the Museum Guide Program and its internship course. Eight students are participating and four have written about their experience.

January 10, 2021
Detail of Who’s teaching to hang dry? by SoiL Thorton

2021 Critical Issues Lecture Series

This 2021 lecture series begins on January 15 and ends on March 5. All sessions are hosted online in collaboration with the Henry Art Gallery. They are free and open to the public.

December 21, 2020
Book cover background image for The Creative Process

Autumn Activities

Autumn quarter is over, but some work lives on digitally. We are pleased to share with you activities that occurred during the past few months within the UW and out in our broader community.

December 18, 2020
Curt Labitzke printmaking at home

Explore Printmaking From Your Kitchen

Associate Professor Curt Labitzke demonstrated printmaking from home for a virtual college fair, which supported Divisional Dean of the Arts Catherine Cole's vision that all students experience the arts while at the UW, regardless of their major.

December 10, 2020
Juliet Sperling by Miha Sarani

A Snapshot of America, in 18 Portraits

Assistant Professor of Art History Juliet Sperling analyzes 18 pieces of art that tell the tale of American history. Paintings by two alums are included in this University of Washington Magazine article.

December 8, 2020
Luminaire Jar

Design Student Projects Recognized

Several projects by undergraduate Design students received recognition in the last month: as an Editor's Pick on Bestfolios, in an article on the SEGD website, and as winner of Core77 and EPDA awards.

June 20, 2020
Printmaking tools

Summer Classes

We are featuring three summer quarter 2020 classes that are open for registration: Printmaking without a Press, Curating Contemporary Art, and Handmade Book Arts.

May 7, 2020
Jamie Walker

Director's Notes

As 2019 rolled to a close and ushered in a new decade, the waning weeks of December were filled with joy, not only for completing another energizing quarter of teaching and learning but also for a number of newsworthy announcements, events, and…

January 14, 2020
The Reign of Narcissism by Barbara Bloom

2020 Critical Issues Lecture Series

This 2020 lecture series begins on January 9 and ends on March 12. All lectures are hosted at the Henry Art Gallery. They are free and open to the public.

November 21, 2019
Summer Institute in the Arts & Humanities

Summer Institute in the Arts & Humanities

During summer quarter, twenty undergraduates in the College of Arts & Sciences worked with a teaching team of five to explore the topic of creating alternate worlds.

September 29, 2019
Critical Issues lecture by Carolina Caycedo

Students Respond to Critical Issues

ART 361/561 — Critical Issues in Contemporary Art Practice — is a course taught each winter quarter. Several students from this year's course write about the opportunity to hear and interact with multiple guest artists.

April 8, 2019
Industrial Design student project for Hightower

A University of Washington Course Gives Design Students Real-World Experience

UW's collaboration with Seattle-based company Hightower challenged undergrads to create workspace pieces from concept to prototype and present their final projects to industry experts.

April 2, 2019
Danny Giles and others in Jacob Lawrence Gallery

Curating the Future

At the Jacob Lawrence Gallery, curatorial interns get hands-on preparation for careers in the art world — and roles in the community.

February 26, 2019
Color studies course

Cool Courses in the Arts, Spring Quarter 2019

Whether you are curious about studying the arts, need to fulfill your VLPA credits, or are just looking to further your education, these courses are sure to transform and inspire you!

February 6, 2019
Self-portrait by Lizzi Bougatsos

2019 Critical Issues Lecture Series

This lecture series begins on January 10 and ends on March 14, 2019. All lectures are hosted at the Henry Art Gallery. They are free and open to the public.

November 20, 2018
Emily Sawan and Krizten Li

Artists and Writers, by the Book

Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Lecturer Claire Cowie and English Professor Maya Sonenberg brought together two classes to build artist books during spring quarter 2018.

July 16, 2018
Patch for Mission to the Moon: 2030

Mission to the Moon: 2030

Collaborations and connecting coursework to professional practice is a significant aim of the Industrial Design Program. The DESIGN 445 course during autumn quarter 2017 is an example of just how powerful these collaborations can be.

February 13, 2018
Students meet with recent alumni in Space 120

Arts in Collaboration

The School's advising team is thrilled to be co-facilitating a new course for undergraduates during winter quarter 2018 — ARTS 350: Arts in Collaboration. Alumni from the visual and performing arts are participating.

December 8, 2017
Dawn by Carolyn Lazard

2018 Critical Issues in Contemporary Art Practice Lecture Series

This 7-speaker series starts on Jan 11 and ends on Mar 8. It is free and open to the public. Sponsored by The Boeing Company and The Dale and Leslie Chihuly Foundation.

November 28, 2017