The School receives $1.125M gift in support of the Division of Art
This generous gift from Ray Graham will support visual arts programming for the Division of Art outside the typical university coursework/curriculum.

Donors: January – December 2023
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Donors: October 2022 – September 2023
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Donors: April 2022 – March 2023
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Director's Notes – January 2023
Every new year promises many expected, and undoubtedly unexpected, changes for us all who are brought together by the School of Art + Art History + Design. Great strides are being made with the partial renovation of the Art Building…

Donors: January 2022 – December 2022
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

2022–2023 Scholarships
The School is proud to share this year's scholarship recipients. This includes awards to incoming freshmen / transfer students as well as those to continuing undergraduate and graduate students in all three divisions.

Donors: October 2021 – September 2022
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Why Scholarship Support Matters
Each October, the School awards over $210,000 in scholarships to new and returning students. Two recent scholarship recipients — Zoë Tsai and Finn Johnson — share stories about their journey at the UW, their scholarships, and returning to campus this autumn.

Director's Notes – June 2022
“We made it!”, or some more colorful sentiment, was a common refrain that I heard from students, staff, and faculty as the academic year came to a close and we eased into summer...

Donors: June 2021 – May 2022
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Director's Notes – April 2022
The coming of spring is always a reward for those of us living in the Northwest, perhaps this year more than ever as we gingerly emerge from the persistent Covid pandemic. The campus is bustling in ways that have been sorely missed…

Donors: April 2021 – March 2022
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Director's Notes – January 2022
Oh how grateful I am that we humans are known for being an adaptive species. Returning to campus in person at the start of the school year was so joyful and reminded us of how much learning happens during the non-scripted moments between fellow students and colleagues...

Donors: January – December 2021
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Director's Notes – October 2021
The typical energy and anticipation that comes with the beginning of the academic year was amplified by the joy and trepidation of returning to campus 570 days after classes were shut down on March 9, 2020. The start of the year…

Donors: October 2020 – September 2021
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

The Benefits of Support
Three recent scholarship recipients share stories about their journey to the UW, what their scholarships mean to them, and what they’re looking forward to after so long away from campus.

2021–2022 Scholarships
The School is proud to share this year's scholarship recipients. This includes awards to incoming freshmen / transfer students as well as those to continuing undergraduate and graduate students in all three divisions.

Arts Capital Campaign + Renovations
The Arts Capital Campaign, to fund renovations in the Art and Music Buildings, is progressing. Work in the Art Building begins in late June 2022. Join us in supporting this important project.

Donors: June 2020 – May 2021
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Director's Notes – April 2021
The marvels of spring have never been more appreciated than they are now: birds and blossoms abound, we are reveling in the extended daylight and a hint of warmth, and vaccines are giving us hope…

Donors: April 2020 – March 2021
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

First Floor Renovation
An idea born six years ago will become a reality in the next two years. The result will be a more visible location for the Jacob Lawrence Gallery and upgrades for other spaces.

Donors: January – December 2020
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Donors: October 2019 – September 2020
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

2020–2021 Scholarships
The School is proud to share this year's scholarship recipients. This includes awards to incoming freshmen / transfer students as well as those to continuing undergraduate and graduate students in all three divisions.

Donors: June 2019 – May 2020
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Donors: April 2019 – March 2020
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Director's Notes
As 2019 rolled to a close and ushered in a new decade, the waning weeks of December were filled with joy, not only for completing another energizing quarter of teaching and learning but also for a number of newsworthy announcements, events, and…

Donors: January 2019 – December 2019
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Dani Elenga Art Scholarship
The Dani Elenga Art Scholarship is one of the newest scholarships in the School, and it is specifically for Painting + Drawing students. We asked three recent recipients of this scholarship to write about their studies and what the financial support means to them.

A Fantastique Parisian Gift
Professor Meredith Clausen: "…Through this gift I’m able to do something for the University and make things easier for others who, like me, want to do research in Paris. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do."

Help Us Match $300k Gift
An anonymous alum and passionate supporter of the School has offered to match up to $300,000 in gifts to the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Donations of any amount are welcome.

Donors: September 2018 – August 2019
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

2019–2020 Scholarships
Due to the generosity of donors, over $225,000 in named scholarships is being awarded to incoming and current students this year. The recipients and donors are recognized at an invitation-only event on October 16.

Director's Notes
The advent of the summer solstice ushers in a welcome interlude following the excitement and intensity that accompanies the end of the academic year. This period of time also affords a respite to reflect…

Anne Focke Arts Leadership Award Celebration
This spring, 150 friends of the School gathered for the Anne Focke Arts Leadership Award Celebration. Nearly $70,000 was raised in support of the Jacob Lawrence Gallery during the event and will be matched by an anonymous donor.

Donors: June 2018 – May 2019
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Director's Notes
On the first day of April, as I was enjoying that glorious rite of spring quarter — walking through The Quad in awe of the cherry blossoms and the vast crowds of fellow admirers — I overheard two couples exclaim…

Donors: April 2018 – March 2019
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Scholarships Make a Difference
The School distributes scholarships each year, and two of them are particularly important for students just entering the UW. We asked two recipients of these scholarships to write about their first two quarters here.

Director's Notes
Happy New Year and welcome to winter quarter in the School of Art + Art History + Design. Winter in the northwest is somewhat notorious for being a bit dark and damp, but with the solstice behind us…

Advisory Board
The School’s Advisory Board is comprised of local artists, art historians, designers, and supporters of the arts and education in the arts. They provide counsel to the director and act as a link between the School and community.

Donors: January – December 2018
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

2019 Jacob Lawrence Legacy Residency
The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is pleased to announce Danny Giles as the next Jacob Lawrence Legacy Resident. Giles is a Chicago-based artist who will be in residence during January 2019.

Director's Notes
The glorious weather that accompanied the first week of the 2018–19 academic year reminds us how fortunate we are to be part of the UW community. With the largest entering class in the history of the UW…

Supporting Faculty
Our faculty play a vital role in fulfilling the School's mission through their research, teaching, and mentoring. Director Jamie Walker has designated increasing support for faculty as one of the top three fundraising priorities.

Fundraiser for Jacob Lawrence Legacy Residency
The Jacob Lawrence Gallery has a fundraising campaign to support the 2019 Jacob Lawrence Legacy Residency. This residency and its accompanying exhibition were established in 2015 and are a cornerstone of the Gallery's program.

Donors: September 2017 – September 2018
Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support. Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.