Kim Van Someren

Instructional Technician: Printmaking, Painting + Drawing

School Alum

ART 210A
Office Hours
M/F 8:30-5:30 T/WTh 10:00-6:00


MFA, Printmaking, University of Washington, 2004
BA, Printmaking, University of Wisconsin, 2002


Curriculum Vitae (71.44 KB)

Kim Van Someren is the Instructional Technician in Printmaking and Painting + Drawing. She has taught printmaking at Pratt Fine Arts Center, Kirkland Arts Center, the Frye Art Museum, the Seattle Art Museum, and University of Washington.

Van Someren has exhibited locally and nationally. Her work is included in several collections including the New York Public Library, the University of Iowa, the University of Washington, and Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Van Someren is represented by J. Rinehart Gallery in Seattle.

Artist website