Landmark by Sarah Reitz

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Courses - Spring 2018

Please note: Due to space and resource limitations during the regular school year, we are unable to offer studio courses to non-matriculated students. Non-matriculated students are welcome during summer quarter. Auditors are not allowed in studio courses.

Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.

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Spring 2018

Art (ART) Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
ART 140 A Basic Photography 10444 Rebecca Cummins MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 140 B Basic Photography 10445 Jackie Granger MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 140 C Basic Photography 10446 Charles Stobbs III MW 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 140 D Basic Photography 10447 Sean Lockwood TTh 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 140 E Basic Photography 10448 TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 190 A Introduction To Drawing 10449 Lucy Copper MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 190 B Introduction To Drawing 10450 Abigail Drapkin MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 190 C Introduction To Drawing 10451 Baorong Liang TTh 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 190 D Introduction To Drawing 10452 Guy Moshayov TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 190 E Introduction To Drawing 10453 emily charlotte taibleson TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 233 A Introduction To 3D4M: Glass 10454 Granite Calimpong MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 242 A Intermediate Photomedia III 10455 Flint Jamison TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 253 A Introduction To 3D4M: Ceramics 10456 Amanda E. Salov MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 253 B Introduction To 3D4M: Ceramics 10457 Kate Roberts TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 272 A Introduction To 3D4M: Sculpture 10458 Amie McNeel MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 272 B Introduction To 3D4M: Sculpture 10459 Brighton McCormick TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 280 A Media, Time, And Technology Arts 10460 Dan Paz MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 290 A Beginning Drawing: The Figure 10461 Ryan Weatherly TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 292 A Beginning Painting 10462 Sarah K Norsworthy TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 292 B Beginning Painting 10463 David Brody MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 333 A New Materials And Processes In Glass 10464 Jennifer Elek MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 340 A Advanced Photomedia 10465 Steve Kado MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 350 A Printmaking Special Projects 10466 Curt Labitzke MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 353 A Intermediate Ceramic Art 10467 Doug Jeck TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 360 A Topics In Studio Art And Practice 10468 Emily M. Gherard TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 372 A Intermediate Approaches To Sculpture 10469 Amie McNeel MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 390 A Intermediate Drawing 10470 Helen O'Toole MW 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 392 A Intermediate Painting 10471 Zhi Lin TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 393 A Intermediate Painting Topics 10472 Zhi Lin TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 400 A Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Senior Studio 10473 Dan Paz MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 440 A Senior Thesis In Photomedia 10474 Ellen Garvens TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 450 A Individual Projects In Printmaking 10475 Claire Cowie TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 453 A 3D4M Senior Studio 10476 Kate Roberts TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 457 A Artist Handmade Books 10477 Claire Cowie TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 458 A Alternative Approaches To Drawing 10478 Emily M. Gherard TTh 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 490 A Advanced Drawing 10479 MW 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 492 A Advanced Painting: The Figure 10480 Zhi Lin TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 494 A Senior Seminar In Painting And Drawing 10481 David Brody MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 496 A Art Internship 10482 to be arranged
ART 498 A Individual Projects - Art 10483 to be arranged
ART 501 A Graduate Student Teaching Mentorship 21567 to be arranged
ART 515 A Graduate Studio Photomedia 10484 Flint Jamison TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 553 A 3D4M Grad Studio 10485 Doug Jeck to be arranged
ART 555 A Studio Topics In Three Dimensional Forum 10486 to be arranged
ART 590 A Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar In Contemporary Practices 10487 Emily Zimmerman W 6:30pm - 9:20pm
ART 592 A Graduate Studio: Painting 10488 to be arranged
ART 595 A Master Of Fine Arts Research Project 10489 to be arranged
ART 600 A Independent Study Or Research 10490 to be arranged
ART 700 A Master's Thesis 10491 to be arranged

Art History (ART H) Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
ART H 203 A Survey Of Western Art-Modern 10493 Kolya Rice MW 8:30am - 9:50am
ART H 203 AA Survey Of Western Art-Modern 10494 Lane Eagles T 8:30am - 9:20am
ART H 203 AB Survey Of Western Art-Modern 10495 Lane Eagles T 9:30am - 10:20am
ART H 203 AC Survey Of Western Art-Modern 10496 Lane Eagles T 10:30am - 11:20am
ART H 203 AD Survey Of Western Art-Modern 10497 Lane Eagles T 11:30am - 12:20pm
ART H 209 A Themes And Topics In Art History: Art Now 10498 Adair Rounthwaite TTh 10:00am - 11:20am
ART H 209 AA Themes And Topics In Art History: Art Now 10499 Laura Ashley Stowell W 8:30am - 9:20am
ART H 209 AB Themes And Topics In Art History: Art Now 10500 Laura Ashley Stowell W 9:30am - 10:20am
ART H 209 AC Themes And Topics In Art History: Art Now 10501 Laura Ashley Stowell W 10:30am - 11:20am
ART H 209 AD Themes And Topics In Art History: Art Now 10502 Laura Ashley Stowell W 11:30am - 12:20pm
ART H 211 A Fashion Systems: Europe-Asia 21308 Rachel Silberstein MTWTh 9:30am - 10:20am
ART H 260 A Fashion, Nation, And Culture 10503 Susan L Gaylard TTh 2:30pm - 3:50pm
ART H 260 AA Fashion, Nation, And Culture 10504 Dantzel Cenatiempo F 1:30pm - 2:20pm
ART H 260 AB Fashion, Nation, And Culture 10505 Dantzel Cenatiempo F 2:30pm - 3:20pm
ART H 270 A Art/identity Politics: Issues Of Representations In Contemporary Art 21439 Kolya Rice to be arranged
ART H 272 A French Impressionism & Post Impressionism 10508 Melanie N. Enderle to be arranged
ART H 309 B Topics In Art History: Remaking the World from the Ground Up: 3D Printing in Art, Architecture, and Design 10510 Marek Wieczorek MWF 10:00am - 11:20am
ART H 309 C Topics In Art History: American Art in the Age of Industrialization, 1865–1913 10511 Lacey Baradel TTh 8:30am - 10:20am
ART H 309 D Topics In Art History: Victorian Art and Science 10512 Anna Wager MWF 1:00pm - 2:20pm
ART H 311 A Arts Of Imperial China 10513 Rachel Silberstein MWF 11:30am - 12:50pm
ART H 373 A Southern Baroque Art 10514 Morten Steen Hansen MWF 8:30am - 9:50am
ART H 391 A Paris Architecture 10515 Meredith Clausen TTh 12:30pm - 2:20pm
ART H 400 A Art History And Criticism: American Stories: Narrative and American Art 10516 Lacey Baradel Th 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART H 400 B Art History And Criticism: Northern Baroque: Poussin to Vermeer 10517 Morten Steen Hansen MW 2:30pm - 3:50pm
ART H 413 A Selected Topics In Chinese Art: Curatorial Themes for Chinese Art at the Seattle Asian Art Museum 10518 Ping Foong Th 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART H 443 A Roman Painting 10519 Kathryn R. Topper MWF 11:30am - 12:20pm
ART H 484 A Topics In Modern Art: Piet Mondrian and the International Avant-Garde 10520 Marek Wieczorek MWF 1:00pm - 2:20pm
ART H 498 A Individual Projects, Undergraduate Practicum 10521 to be arranged
ART H 499 A Individual Projects 10522 to be arranged
ART H 501 A Seminar In The General Field Of Art 10523 to be arranged
ART H 521 B Topics In Asian Art: Curatorial Themes for Chinese Art at the Seattle Asian Art Museum 10524 Ping Foong Th 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART H 524 A Topics In Baroque And Eighteenth Century Western Art: Northern Baroque: Poussin to Vermeer 10525 Morten Steen Hansen MW 2:30pm - 3:50pm
ART H 525 A Topics In Modern And Contemporary Art And Architecture: American Stories: Narrative and American Art 10526 Lacey Baradel Th 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART H 525 B Topics In Modern And Contemporary Art And Architecture: Piet Mondrian and the International Avant-Garde 10527 Marek Wieczorek MWF 1:00pm - 2:20pm
ART H 541 A Seminar In Greek And Roman Art 10528 Kathryn R. Topper TTh 3:30pm - 5:20pm
ART H 597 A Graduate Internship 10529 to be arranged
ART H 598 A Master's Practicum 10530 to be arranged
ART H 599 A Reading And Writing Projects 10531 to be arranged
ART H 600 A Independent Study Or Research 10532 to be arranged
ART H 602 A Independent Study/research In Rome 10533 to be arranged
ART H 700 A Master's Thesis 10534 to be arranged
ART H 800 A Doctoral Dissertation 10535 to be arranged

Design (DESIGN) Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
DESIGN 166 A Design Foundations 13082 Axel Roesler MW 3:30pm - 4:50pm
DESIGN 166 AA Design Foundations 13083 Michael Kritzer F 8:30am - 9:50am
DESIGN 166 AB Design Foundations 13084 Michael Kritzer F 10:00am - 11:20am
DESIGN 166 AC Design Foundations 13085 Axel Roesler F 8:30am - 9:50am
DESIGN 166 AD Design Foundations 13086 Axel Roesler F 10:00am - 11:20am
DESIGN 166 AE Design Foundations 13087 Axel Roesler F 8:30am - 9:50am
DESIGN 166 AF Design Foundations 13088 Axel Roesler F 10:00am - 11:20am
DESIGN 208 A Survey Of Design History 13089 Christopher Ozubko MW 12:30pm - 1:50pm
DESIGN 211 A 3-D Foundation 13090 Sang-gyeun Ahn TTh 12:30pm - 3:20pm
DESIGN 214 A Marks And Symbols 13091 Karen Cheng TTh 8:30am - 11:20am
DESIGN 215 A Visual Storytelling 13092 Michael Smith MW 8:30am - 11:20am
MW 8:30am - 11:20am
DESIGN 318 A Intermediate Id Studio 2 13093 Michael Kritzer MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
DESIGN 324 A Materials And Manufacturing 13094 Dominic Muren MW 9:30am - 10:50am
DESIGN 325 A Physical Computing 13095 Dominic Muren MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
DESIGN 326 A Digital Fabrication 13096 Jason O. Germany TTh 12:30pm - 3:20pm
DESIGN 365 A Developing Solutions In Design 21370 Karen Cheng TTh 12:00pm - 2:50pm
DESIGN 369 A Visual Systems 13097 Annabelle Gould MW 8:30am - 11:20am
DESIGN 372 A Interface Design 2 13098 Audrey Desjardins MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
DESIGN 372 B Interface Design 2 13099 Frederic M. Castro TTh 3:30pm - 6:20pm
DESIGN 400 A Design Entrepreneurship 13100 Jason O. Germany TTh 8:30am - 11:20am
DESIGN 485 A Design Capstone 13101 Kristine Matthews MW 8:30am - 11:20am
DESIGN 485 B Design Capstone 13102 Sang-gyeun Ahn MW 8:30am - 11:20am
DESIGN 485 C Design Capstone 13103 Audrey Desjardins MW 8:30am - 11:20am
DESIGN 486 A Design Exhibition 13104 Kristine Matthews W 1:30pm - 3:50pm
DESIGN 495 A Design Internship 21371 to be arranged
DESIGN 499 A Individual Projects-Design 13105 to be arranged
DESIGN 501 A Graduate Student Teaching Mentorship 13106 to be arranged
DESIGN 581 A Graduate Seminar In Design 13107 Christopher Ozubko MW 9:30am - 10:50am
DESIGN 582 A Design Graduate Studio 13108 Annabelle Gould M 2:00pm - 4:50pm
DESIGN 582 B Design Graduate Studio 13109 to be arranged
DESIGN 600 A Independent Study Or Research 13110 to be arranged
DESIGN 700 A Master's Thesis 13111 to be arranged

