Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.
Autumn 2024
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
ART 140 A | Basic Photography | 10480 |
ART 140 B | Basic Photography | 10481 |
ART 140 C | Basic Photography | 10482 |
ART 190 A | Introduction to Drawing | 10484 |
ART 190 D | Introduction to Drawing | 10487 |
ART 190 E | Introduction to Drawing | 10488 |
ART 233 A | Introduction to 3D4M: Glass | 10490 |
ART 240 A | Intermediate Photomedia I | 10491 |
ART 245 A | Concepts in Printmaking | 10492 |
ART 253 A | Introduction to 3D4M: Ceramics | 10493 |
ART 253 C | Introduction to 3D4M: Ceramics | 10495 |
ART 272 A | Introduction to 3D4M: Sculpture | 10496 |
ART 272 B | Introduction to 3D4M: Sculpture | 10497 |
ART 285 A | Introduction to New Genres | 10498 |
ART 290 A | Beginning Drawing: The Figure | 10499 |
ART 290 B | Beginning Drawing: The Figure | 10500 |
ART 292 A | Beginning Painting | 10501 |
ART 301 A | Moving Images | 10502 |
ART 333 A | New Materials and Processes in Glass | 10503 |
ART 339 A | Photography | 23601 |
ART 350 A | Printmaking Special Projects | 10504 |
ART 353 A | Intermediate Ceramic Art | 10506 |
ART 360 A | Topics in Studio Art and Practice | 10507 |
ART 360 B | Topics in Studio Art and Practice | 10508 |
ART 360 C | Topics in Studio Art and Practice | 23593 |
ART 372 A | Intermediate Approaches to Sculpture | 10509 |
ART 390 A | Intermediate Drawing | 10510 |
ART 390 B | Intermediate Drawing | 10511 |
ART 390 C | Intermediate Drawing | 23621 |
ART 392 A | Intermediate Painting | 10512 |
ART 392 B | Intermediate Painting | 10513 |
ART 393 A | Intermediate Painting Topics | 10514 |
ART 393 B | Intermediate Painting Topics | 10515 |
ART 400 A | Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Senior Studio | 10516 |
ART 440 A | Senior Thesis in Photomedia | 10519 |
ART 453 A | 3D4M Senior Studio | 10520 |
ART 457 A | Artists' Publications | 10521 |
ART 460 A | Advanced Topics in Studio Art and Practice | 10522 |
ART 480 A | Cross-Disciplinary Honors in Art | 10523 |
ART 490 A | Advanced Drawing | 10524 |
ART 492 A | Advanced Painting: The Figure | 10525 |
ART 494 A | Senior Seminar in Painting and Drawing | 10526 |
ART 496 A | Art Internship | 10527 |
ART 498 A | Individual Projects - Art | 10530 |
ART 501 A | Graduate Student Teaching Mentorship | 10531 |
ART 515 A | Graduate Studio Photomedia | 10532 |
ART 553 A | 3D4M Grad Studio | 10533 |
ART 590 A | Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar in Contemporary Practices | 10535 |
ART 592 A | Graduate Studio: Painting | 23556 |
ART 595 A | Master of Fine Arts Research Project | 10537 |
ART 600 A | Independent Study or Research | 10538 |
ART 700 A | Master's Thesis | 10539 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
ART H 200 A | Art in the Modern Imagination: Athena to Lady Gaga | 10540 |
ART H 204 A | Art History and Visual Culture | 10546 |
ART H 209 A | Themes and Topics in Art History | 10553 |
ART H 273 A | History and Theory of Photography | 10558 |
ART H 308 B | Representational Art of Imperial China | 23459 |
ART H 309 A | Topics in Art History | 10560 |
ART H 309 B | Topics in Art History | 23906 |
ART H 316 A | Buddhist Arts of Asia | 10562 |
ART H 341 A | Greek Art and Archaeology | 10563 |
ART H 380 A | Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art | 23312 |
ART H 435 A | Thematic Studies in Native-American Art | 10567 |
ART H 444 A | Greek and Roman Sculpture | 10568 |
ART H 473 A | Topics in Baroque Art | 10569 |
ART H 484 A | Topics in Modern Art | 10570 |
ART H 498 A | Individual Projects, Undergraduate Practicum | 23326 |
ART H 533 A | Seminar in North American Native Art | 10574 |
ART H 577 A | Seminar in Baroque Art | 10575 |
ART H 581 A | Seminar in Modern Art | 10576 |
ART H 597 A | Graduate Internship | 10577 |
ART H 598 A | Master's Practicum | 10578 |
ART H 599 A | Reading and Writing Projects | 10579 |
ART H 600 A | Independent Study or Research | 10580 |
ART H 700 A | Master's Thesis | 10581 |
ART H 800 A | Doctoral Dissertation | 10582 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
DESIGN 150 A | What is Design: Practices, Principles, and Perspectives | 13952 |
DESIGN 207 A | Design Drawing | 13953 |
DESIGN 207 AA | Design Drawing | 13954 |
DESIGN 207 AB | Design Drawing | 13955 |
DESIGN 209 A | Fundamentals of Typography | 13956 |
DESIGN 250 A | Visualizing Ideas | 13959 |
DESIGN 316 A | Introduction to Industrial Design | 13960 |
DESIGN 322 A | Presentation for Industrial Design I | 13961 |
DESIGN 325 A | Physical Computing | 13962 |
DESIGN 365 A | Developing Solutions in Design | 13963 |
DESIGN 370 A | Introduction to Motion Design | 13964 |
DESIGN 376 B | Typography | 13965 |
DESIGN 383 A | Foundations of Interaction Design | 13966 |
DESIGN 445 A | Advanced Industrial Design | 13967 |
DESIGN 467 A | Exhibition and Installation Design | 13968 |
DESIGN 478 A | Information Design | 13969 |
DESIGN 481 A | Field Studies: Design Research Techniques | 13970 |
DESIGN 495 A | Design Internship | 13971 |
DESIGN 495 B | Design Internship | 13972 |
DESIGN 496 A | Directed Research in Interaction Design | 13973 |
DESIGN 496 B | Directed Research in Interaction Design | 13974 |
DESIGN 499 A | Individual Projects-Design | 13975 |
DESIGN 499 B | Individual Projects-Design | 13976 |
DESIGN 501 A | Graduate Student Teaching Mentorship | 13977 |
DESIGN 581 A | Graduate Seminar in Design | 13978 |
DESIGN 582 A | Design Graduate Studio | 13979 |
DESIGN 582 B | Design Graduate Studio | 13980 |
DESIGN 596 A | Directed Research in Interaction Design | 13981 |
DESIGN 596 B | Directed Research in Interaction Design | 13982 |
DESIGN 600 A | Independent Study or Research | 13983 |
DESIGN 600 B | Independent Study or Research | 13984 |
DESIGN 700 A | Master's Thesis | 13985 |
DESIGN 700 B | Master's Thesis | 13986 |