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Courses - Summer 2020

Please note: Due to space and resource limitations during the regular school year, we are unable to offer studio courses to non-matriculated students. Non-matriculated students are welcome during summer quarter. Auditors are not allowed in studio courses.

Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.

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Summer 2020 A-term

Art (ART) Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
ART 245 A Concepts In Printmaking: Handmade Book Arts 10146 Claire Cowie MTW 1:10pm - 4:00pm
ART 246 A Works On Paper/Monotype: Printmaking without a Press 14459 Curt Labitzke MTW 9:00am - 12:20pm

Summer 2020 Full-term

Art (ART) Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
ART 140 A Basic Photography 10138 Jackie Granger MW 9:10am - 11:50am
ART 140 B Basic Photography 10139 Stefan Gonzales MW 12:40pm - 3:20pm
ART 140 D Basic Photography 10141 Stephanie Simek TTh 12:40pm - 3:20pm
ART 190 B Introduction To Drawing 10143 Helen O'Toole MW 12:40pm - 3:20pm
ART 190 D Introduction To Drawing 10145 Zhi Lin TTh 12:40pm - 3:20pm
ART 253 B Introduction To 3D4M: Ceramics 10148 Stephanie Hanes MW 12:40pm - 3:20pm
ART 496 A Art Internship: Curating Contemporary Art 10151 Emily Zimmerman MW 2:20pm - 4:00pm
ART 496 B Art Internship 10152 Emily Zimmerman to be arranged
ART 498 B Individual Projects - Art 10153 to be arranged
ART 600 A Independent Study Or Research 10154 to be arranged
ART 700 A Master's Thesis 10155 to be arranged

Art History (ART H) Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
ART H 204 A Art History And Visual Culture 10156 Marek Wieczorek TTh 9:10am - 11:10am
ART H 212 A Chinese Art And Visual Culture 14442 Haicheng Wang to be arranged
ART H 270 A Art/Identity Politics: Issues Of Representations In Contemporary Art 10157 Kolya Rice to be arranged
ART H 273 A History And Theory Of Photography 10158 Kolya Rice to be arranged
ART H 309 A Topics In Art History: Picasso 10159 Marek Wieczorek TTh 12:40pm - 2:40pm
ART H 498 A Individual Projects, Undergraduate Practicum: Curating Contemporary Art 10160 Emily Zimmerman MW 2:20pm - 4:00pm
ART H 498 B Individual Projects, Undergraduate Practicum 10161 to be arranged
ART H 499 A Individual Projects 10162 to be arranged
ART H 598 A Master's Practicum 10163 to be arranged
ART H 599 A Reading And Writing Projects 10164 to be arranged
ART H 600 A Independent Study Or Research 10165 to be arranged
ART H 700 A Master's Thesis 10166 to be arranged
ART H 800 A Doctoral Dissertation 10167 to be arranged

Design (DESIGN) Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
DESIGN 365 A Developing Solutions In Design 14351 Sang-gyeun Ahn MW 12:30pm - 3:20pm
DESIGN 495 A Design Internship 11179 to be arranged
DESIGN 499 A Individual Projects-Design 11180 to be arranged
DESIGN 600 A Independent Study Or Research 11181 to be arranged
DESIGN 700 A Master's Thesis 11182 to be arranged

