It feels like we all brougHt sOmething that hauNts us and we're all acknOwledging it and we'Re all releaSing it ....
"If they were alive today, they would be dead by now."
"Motivation is very fickle.. Focus more towards discipline."
"Just do it, I don't know"
"Let me assure you, the reason we are all here is not to suffer and work. The reason we're here is to have a really, really, REALLY good time.
"If a person is color-blinded and sees green as blue, but she/ he calls it 'green', how do we know if we are all seeing the same color even if we all call it 'green'?"
"Dare to give and love, because the one who gives will never run out of it."
Don't do anything I wouldn't do
What have you ever even accomplished in life? A roughed up diamond is the same as a polished one at its core properties.
"You'll figure out how to walk normal"
"Wow mommy your hair is so beautiful"
"Comparison is the thief of joy"
"Everyone is afraid of the unknown"
door codes :
025D β ANT
027 β SHU
meetings will be FRIDAY 10:30-3:20
art building - room 110 & or 25D / 27
(as a group)
michael swaine
(try e-mail first )
cell 415-690-0503
(texting is preferred as second option or if you need speed)
if needed zoom window :
one book that we will reference a few times is :
How Art Can Be Thought
A handbook for change
- Allan deSouza
(I will make a few pdf's in the first weeks , however ...)
second book I want to look at is:
third thing will be this:
βThe purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers.β - James Baldwin
press play on all of the videos below at once
"The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created. The classroom with all its limitations remains a location of possibility. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labour for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. This is education as the practice of freedom." - Bell Hooks