Perspective drawing by student

ART H 391 A: Paris Architecture

Spring 2022
TTh 12:30pm - 2:20pm / ART 003
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

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ah391 – Paris: Architecture & Urbanism  spring 2022; 5 credits
TTh 12:30-2:20    
Instructor: Meredith L. Clausen <>

Office hours: Wed., 1-3pm, or by email appointment
Paris: Architecture & Urbanism




Paris Plan - Grimault


Course requirements:

-twice weekly lectures; required readings.          


-GRADUATE STUDENTS: a research paper is also required; this should be 15-20 page research paper, due 26may. For those who are not seasoned research paper writers, please read or skim appropriate parts of MLA Handbk for Writers of Research Papers, 9th ed. NY, 2021.  Students doing papers should send me no later than second week of the quarter their proposals for a research topic; important that one gets started on this immediately, as time flies when you're having fun. Be wary of plagiarizing, as it's likely to get you into big trouble; cover your derrière by always citing your sources.


Student Services: Disability Services Office: If you need academic accommodations due to a disability, contact the Disability Services Office, or more specifically, Disability Resources for Students, Email:, 206- 543-6450 (voice) / 206-543-6452 (TTY). Have them contact instructor indicating a disability that may require assistance.

-Sutcliffe, Anthony. Paris: An Architectural History, 1993. Long Out of Print, but still best there is; try to find used copy (Univ Book Store may have some, as I've requested it; copies are also available in the CBE Library which may open up at some point. There will also be pdfs available under Readings. 
-Horne, Alistair. Seven Ages of Paris, 2004 (ppbk edition, available at UBkStore)

Other required readings: 
-Supplemental readings (some required, most only recommended), are on reserve mainly in the Architecture Library. Reading assignments are uneven in length, and competition for books is likely to be keen especially around exam times, so plan ahead. Also, as the lecture format is informal, the schedule may change. Best come to class.

-Required readings will be posted on CANVAS; there are also copies of the books in the CBE Library; public libraries too may have copies of them. 

Images: those used in class will be available online via CANVAS ( If you need help on accessing this, go to
Additional images may also be found in the Cities/Buildings Database:



NB: Getting the most out of lectures and contributing to the class depend on your having read the assigned material before class. Please plan your time accordingly.

T 29mar - Introduction: brief overview of the course

-texts: Sutcliffe and Horne; selected readings

-syllabus, reading assignments, exams, research paper

Required reading: To frame the course in context of today, please read review of Anne Hidalgo, Une femme française, in New York Review of Books, 24mar22,     21-.23 (PDF in CANVAS)

Recommended background for those who may need/want it:

Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago Style

for Students           and Researchers, 9th ed. (recommended; there are other similar guides)

                                    Saylor, Dictionary of Architecture (recommended because simple/clear; there are others)

                                    Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture (old but still one of the best basic arch history texts; highly         


                                    Jones, Colin. Paris. Biography of a City, Viking Pres, 2005 (good, comprehensive history of the city)

                                    Higonnet, Patrice. Paris: Capital of the World, Cambridge, MA. 2005

                                    Harvey, David. Paris. Capital of Modernity, 2003


Th 31mar – Pre-Roman (Gallic) origins; Roman encampment & Lutètia; Roman city planning, building types

                        Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages of Paris. Intro: From Caesar to Abélard, 1-14

Sutcliffe, Paris: An Architectural History, preface, chapt 1, ix-7.


Caine, B. Gendering European History. 2002              

MacDonald, The Roman Empire, v. 2: An Urban Appraisal, 1986

                                    Mumford, The City in History. Its Origins, Transformations, and Its Prospects, 1961

                                    Summerson, Sir John. The Classical Language of Architecture, 1963 (1993 or more recent reprint)


T 5ap-  Medieval developments

                        Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, 17-53

                                    McClendon, Charles B. The Origins of Medieval Architecture, 2005. 1-22  [CANVAS]


                                    McClendon, Charles B. The Origins of Medieval Architecture. Building in Europe, A.D. 600-900, 2005

                                    Roux, Simone. Paris in the Middle Ages, 2003.  Intro and chapts 1-2, pp. 1-44 [CANVAS]

Hodges, Richard. Towns and Trade in the Age of Charlemagne, 2000

                                    Nicholas, David. The Growth of the Medieval City, 1997


Th 7ap – Gothic era, 13th - 15th c.

                        Abbot Suger, and St. Denis (pilgrimage site; expansion of the church; beginnings of Gothic); Chartres and

spread of Gothic in the Ilê de France; Notre Dame de Paris; Ste Chapelle; the medieval city, streets, half-

timbered houses. Châteaux on the Loire (Chenonceaux, Chaumont, Azay, Chambord)

                        Required reading:

                                    Kostof, "The Architect in the Middle Ages," in Kostof, The Architect, 59-95 [CANVAS]

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, Age Two, 57-74


Stoddard, W. Art & Architecture in Medieval France, 1972, “Historical Background, St Denis,” 93-111;

“The Cathedral in Paris,” 137-145

                                    Wilson, Christopher. The Gothic Cathedral, 1990, pp. 24-54

                                    Bony, Jean. French Gothic Architecture of the 12th & 13th Centuries, 1983

                                    Mark, Robert. Experiments in Gothic Structure, 1982

                                    Roux, Simone. Paris in the Middle Ages, 2003.

                                    Baldwin, John W. Paris, 1200. 2010

                                    Caine and Sluga, Gendering European History


T 12ap – Renaissance Stirrings from Italy. Châteaux on the Loire (Chenonçeaux, Azay, Chambord); François I, and the Louvre; Henri IV & rebuilding of Paris

                        GRAD STUDENTS: research topic due. Send me your topic and thesis (main point or aim of the paper);

                                    if need be, see Weidenborner and Caruso, Writing Research Papers: A Guide to the Process, or MLA,

on defining a topic

       Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, 75-101                   

Sutcliffe, chapt 2, 8-23


                                    Thomson, David. Renaissance Paris. Architecture and Growth 1475-1600, 1984

                                    Summerson, Sir John. Classical Language of Architecture

                                    Gerbino, Anthony. François Blondel. Architecture, Erudition, and the Scientific Revolution, 2010

                                    Ballon, Hilary. The Paris of Henri IV. Architecture and Urbanism, 1991


Th 14ap – 17th c. Paris. Bernini and the Louvre

Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, 105-134                             

Sutcliffe, chapt 3, 24-47

Kostof, On Absolutism in 17th c. France, History of Architecture, pp. 527-532  [CANVAS]


                                    Ballon, Hilary. Louis LeVau. Mazarin’s College, Colbert’s Revenge, 1999

                                    Berger, Robert. The Palace of the Sun. The Louvre of Louis XIV, 1993

Cleary, Richard. Place Royale and Urban Design in the Ancien Regime. 1999

                                    Gould, C. Bernini in Paris, 1981

                                    Gerbino, Blondel, esp chpt 2 on the Académie Royale d' Architecture



T 19ap –  FIRST EXAM



Th 21ap - Versailles: the town, palace, and gardens

                        Required reading:

                                    Kostof, "Versailles" A History of Architecture, 532-538


                                    Zega and Dams, Palaces of the Sun King. Versailles Trianon Marly, 2002

                                    Ranum, Orest. Paris in the Age of Absolutism, 1968  (old, but still good)


T 26ap -18th c. architectural theory, architecture of the Enlightenment; Soufflot, Church of Ste Geneviève

                        Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, 135-156

                                    Sutcliffe, chpt 4, 48-66


Kruft, “Relativist architectural aesthetics, the Enlightenment, and Revolutionary Architecture,” in Kruft,

A History of Architectural Theory, 1994, pp. 141-165

Ziskin, Rochelle. The Place Vendome. Architecture and Social Mobility in 18th c. Paris, 1999

Braham, Allan. The Architecture of the French Enlightenment, 1980

Gallet, Michel. Demeures parisiennes. L’Epoque de Louis XVI, 1964

Mallgrave, Harry Francis. "The Enlightenment & Neoclassical Theory." in Mallgrave, Modern

Architectural Theory, 2005.  [CANVAS]

Picon, Antoine. French Architects and Engineers, transla Martin Thom, 1992.

Rykwert, Joseph. The First Moderns. The Architects of the Eighteenth Century, 1980.


Th 28ap -  Enlightenment (con't); Visionary Architects; Revolution

                        Required reading:

                                    Sutcliffe, chpt 5, 67-82

                                    Bergdoll, "Church of Ste Geneviève," European Architecture, 23-32  [CANVAS]


T 3may - Napoleonic Empire (pre-Haussmann modernization)

Louvre into museum; establishment of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts; J.L. Durand and the Ecole Polytechnique; developments in iron/glass; arcades; railroad stations; Henri Labrouste

                        Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, 159-229                             

Benjamin, Walter. “Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century,” in Benjamin, Reflections. Essays,

Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings, ed. By Peter Demetz, 1978, 146-162. [CANVAS]


                                    Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project, esp. “The Arcades of Paris,” 873-884.

Levine, Neil. “The book and the building: Hugo’s theory of architecture and Labrouste’s Bibliothèque

Ste-Geneviève,” in Middleton, The Beaux-Arts & Nineteenth Century French Architecture, 138-173

                                    Geist, Johann Friedrich. Arcades. The History of a Building Type, 1983.

                                    Keith, Michael. “Walter Benjamin, Urban Studies and the Narratives of City Life,” in Bridge, G. and S.

Watson, A Companion to the City, 2000.

                                    Durand, Jean-Nicolas-Louis. Précis of the Lectures on Architecture, Getty Research Institute, 2000

                                    Villari, Sergio. J.N.L Durand 1760-1834, 1990

                                    Van Zanten, David. Building Paris. Architectural Institutions and the Transformation of the French

Capital, 1830-1970, 1994


Th 5may -  2nd Empire, Napoléon III, Transformation of Paris (the city, thoroughfares, waterways, parks, sewer

system, sanitation, facades, railroad stations)

                        Required reading:

                                    Sutcliffe, chpt 6, 83-104


De Thézy, Marie. Marville Paris, 1994 (plates only. On reserve, CBE Lib)

                                    Bressani, Marin. “Light into Darkness: Gaslight in 19th c. Paris,” Sandy Isenstadt (ed). Cities of Light.

Two Centuries of urban illumination, Routledge, 2015.

                                    Clayson and Dombrowski, Is Paris Still the Capital of the 19th Century. Essays on Art & Modernity,

1850-1900, 2016 (sev essays therein pertain to archtr and Haussmannization)

                                    Harvey, David. Paris Capital of Modernity, 2003

                                    Gaillard, Jeanne. Paris, la Ville (1852-1870), 1997

Pinkney, David. Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of Paris, 1958 (an old classic)

                                    Saalmann, Howard. Haussmann: Paris Transformed, 1971

                                    Choay, Françoise. The Modern City: Planning in the 19th Century, 1969

                                    Clausen, "The Bon Marché Department Store - Birth of the Building Type," Journal of Architectural

Education,             fall 1985


T 10may – Charles Garnier, and the Opéra; 2nd Empire/Third Republic buildings. Garnier’s opera house and the

bourgeoisie; rise of the department store; hegemony of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts

                        Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, 251-276                             

Sutcliffe, chpt 7, 105-137

                   Clausen, Meredith. "Department Stores," in Joseph A. Wilkes, ed., Encyclopedia of Architecture,

Design, Engineering and Construction, 2: 204-22, NY: Wiley, 1988.  [CANVAS]


                                    Egbert, Donald Drew. The Beaux-Arts Tradition in French Architecture, 1980                            

Mead, Christopher. The Paris Opera, 1991

Miller, Michael. The Bon Marché. Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869-1920, 1981

                                    Zola, Au Bonheur des Dames, 1883. In English, The Ladies’ Paradise, 1992



Th 12may – SECOND EXAM



T 17may – International Expositions, and their impact on Paris. Earlier developments (London World Expo,

1851; Paris, 1855 and '67); 1889, Eiffel, and the Galerie des Machines; 1900 Exposition

Required reading:

Barthes, Roland. The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies, 3-34 (CANVAS)

Salvadori, Mario. “The Eiffel Tower,” in Why Buildings Stand Up, 126-143 (CANVAS)

Mattie, E. World's Fairs (plates)


Mattie, E. World's Fairs (plates; on reserve CBE Lib)

Vidler, Anthony (ed). “Paris Under the Academy: City & Ideology,” Oppositions Spring 1977. (theory,

not hist)


Th 19may -  Belle Epoque, Métro, and Art Nouveau

                        Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages. Belle Epoque; The Great War, 279-322        

Evenson, Norma. “The Daily Journey,” Paris. A Century of Change, 1878-1978, 76 –122 (CANVAS)


                                    Paris 1900. La Ville Spectacle. Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, 2014 (plates)       

Borsi and Godoli, Paris 1900, 1978 (plates)

Russell, Frank. Art Nouveau Architecture, 1979 (plates)

Clausen, Meredith L. Frantz Jourdain and the Samaritaine. Art Nouveau Theory & Criticism, 1986

                                    Clausen, "Architecture and the Poster. Toward a Redefinition of the Art Nouveau," Gazette des Beaux-

Arts, CVI, September l985, 81-94. (on democratic ideals, 1890s-1900s)

Troy, Nancy. Modernism and the Decorative Arts in France, 1991

Silverman, Debora. Art Nouveau in Fin-de-Siècle France. Politics, Psychology, and Style, 1989


T 24may - Paris in the '20s.       Paris Expo, 1925, and the Arts Décoratifs; the Modernists: le Corbusier, Mallet-

Stevens, Roux-Spitz et al; Mondrian and the influence of deStijl

Required reading:          

  Horne, Seven Ages. The Phony Peace; The Occupation, 323-374

Sutcliffe, chapt 8. 138-159

Le Corbusier, Toward An Architecture, intro by Jean-Louis Cohen, 2007 (orig published in French,

1924). Cohen’s intro, 1-78; “Aesthetic of the Engineer; Three Reminders to Architects: Volume, Surface, Plan.”  (CANVAS)

  Clausen, "The Ecole des Beaux-Arts: Towards a Gendered History," JSAH, June 2010. (CANVAS)

Bréon et Rivoirard (eds), 1925 Quand L'Art Déco Séduit le Monde, catalogue, exhibition, Cité de

          l'architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, 2014.  PLATES (text is in French;  in library; see it if you can)


Anderson, Alex. The Problem of the House. French Domestic... Life Rise of Modern Architecture, 2006

Benton, Tim. The Modernist House, 2006

                                    Troy, Nancy. Modernism and the Decorative Arts in France, 1991

                                    Kolosek, Lisa Schlansker. The Invention of Chic: Thérèse Bonney and Paris moderne, 2002

                                    Weber, Nicolas. Le Corbusier: A Life, 2008


Th 26may - War, Reconstruction, and Postwar Paris 

La Défense and other suburban developments; the Tour Montparnasse

                        Required reading:

                                    Horne, Seven Ages, 375-401

                                    Sutcliffe, chpt 9, 160-199


Evenson, Paris. A Century of Change, 1878-1978. (postwar developments, La Défense; housing)

                                    Riding, Alan. And the Show Went On: Cultural Life in Nazi-Occupied Paris, 2010

                                    Busbea, Larry. Topologies. The Urban Utopia in France, 1960-1970, 2007

                                    Wakeman, Rosemary. The Heroic City: Paris 1945-1958, 2009


T 31may - Mitterrand’s Grands Projets; Contemporary Paris

GRADUATE STUDENTS: RESEARCH PAPERS DUE. Send in Word format, please, so I can make

comments directly on your text.

                        Required reading:

                   Horne, Seven Ages, 402-422                 

Sutcliffe, chpt 10, 200-206

                   Fachard, Sabine (ed). Paris 1979-1989 (plates, in lib, look at if can)


                   Chaslin, François. Les Paris de François Mitterrand, 1985  (en français)

Boissière, Olivier. Jean Nouvel. 1992

Lubell, Sam Paris 2000+. New Architecture, 2007  (esp plates)

Gleiniger, Matzig, Redecke. Paris. Contemporary Architecture, 1997

Texier, Simon. Paris Contemporain de Haussmann à nos jours, 2005 (en français)


Th 2june – 12:30-2:20– THIRD EXAM




Exams: short answer format consisting of four to five questions with a choice out of five or six; no slide identification, as emphasis is not on memorization but learning and thinking.


Bibliography.  Many are on 2 hr reserve, most if not all are in the CBE Library.

Anderson, Alex. The Problem of the House. French Domestic Life and the Rise of Modern Architecture, 2006

Ayers, Andrew. The Architecture of Paris, 2004 (a guidebk, not a history; nonetheless useful)

Benton, Tim. The Modernist House, 2006

Bréon et Rivoirard (eds), 1925 Quand L'Art Déco Séduit le Monde, catalogue, exhibition, Cité de l'architecture et

du    patrimoine, Paris, 2014

Ballon, Hilary. The Paris of Henri IV. Architecture and Urbanism, 1991

Ballon, Hilary. Louis LeVau. Mazarin’s Collège, Colbert’s Revenge, 1999

Barthes, Roland. The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies

Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project, 1999

Benjamin, Walter. Reflections. Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings, 1978

Benton, Charlotte, Tim Benton, and Ghislaine Wood, Art Deco 1910-1939, 2003

Berg, Roger. Histoire des juifs à Paris. De Chilperic à Jacqwues Chirac, 1997

Bergdoll, Barry. European Architectue 1750-1890, 2000

Berger, Robert. The Palace of the Sun. The Louvre of Louis XIV, 1993

Borsi, F. and Godoli, Paris 1900

Braham, Allan. The Architecture of the French Enlightenment, 1980

Caine, Barbara & Glenda Sluga, Gendering European History: 1780-1920, 2002

Chaslin, François. Les Paris de François Mitterrand, 1985

Choisy, Françoise. The Modern City: Planning in the 19th century, 1969

Christ, Ivan. Les Metamorphoses de Paris. Cent paysages parisiens photographiés. 1967.

Clayson, Hollis and André Dombrowski, Is Paris Still the Capital of the Nineteenth Century? Essays on

            Art and Modernity 1850-1900, Routledge, London/New York, 2016.

Cleary, Richard. Place Royale and Urban Design in the Ancien Regime. 1999

Corbusier, Le. Towards a New Architecture, 1927 or any later edition (best is a recent translation by John

Goodman, with        introduction by Jean-Louis Cohen, 2007)

Cusset, F. French Theory. How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, & Co. Transformed Intellectual Life of the United

States, 2003 (more about the influence of French theorists in the '80s-90s than theories themselves, but still


Dal Co, Francesco. Centre Pompidou. Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers, & Making of a Modern Monument, 2016

De Thézy, Marie. Marville Paris, 1994

DeAmicus, Edmondo. Studies of Paris, transla from Italian, 1878 (or later reprints, eg 1887)

Durand, Jean-Nicolas-Louis. Précis of the Lectures on Architecture, Getty Research Institute, 2000

Egbert, Donald Drew. The Beaux-Arts Tradition in French Architecture, 1980

Evenson, Norma. Paris. A Century of Change, 1878-1978, 1979

Engrand, Lionel et Soline Nivet, eds., Architectures 80. Une chronique métropolitaine. Pavilion l'Arsenal, 2011

Fachard, Sabine (ed). Paris 1979-1989, Rizzoli, 1988

Fagan, Garrett G. Bathing in Public in the Roman World [Cluny baths], Univ Michigan Press, 1999.

Gaillard, Jeanne. Paris, la Ville (1870-1870), 1997

Gallet, Michel. Demeures parisienne. L’Epoque de Louis XVI, 1964

Gerbino, Anthony. François Blondel. Architecture, Erudition, and the Scientific Revolution, 2010

Gould, C. Bernini in Paris, 1981

Gleiniger, Matzig, and  Redecke. Paris. Contemporary Architecture, 1997

Greenhaigh, Paul, ed. Art Nouveau 1890-1914, 2000

Harvey, David. Paris, Capital of Modernity. 2003

Higonnet, Patrice. Paris. Capital of the World, 2002

Hillairet, Jacques. Dictionnaire des Rues de Paris

Jones, Colin.  Paris. Biography of a City, 2005 [hist of the city, more scholarly than Horne]

Jordan, David P. Transforming Paris. The life and Labors of Baron Haussmann, 1995 [history, but useful bkgd]

Kennel, Sarah, Peter Barberie and DeMondenard. Marville, Photographer of Paris

Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture [standard text in arch hist; highly recommended for those who have

little/no backgrd]

Kostof, The Architect. Chapters in the History of the Profession

Lavedan, Pierre. Nouvelle Histoire de Paris, 1975

Lubell, Sam. Paris 2000. Monacelli Press, 2007

MacDonald, William. The Roman Empire, v. 2.  [on the Roman outposts, beyond Rome]

Mallgrave, Harry Francis. Modern Architectural Theory. A Historical Survey 1672-1968, 2005

Mattie, Erik. World’s Fairs, 1998  

McClendon, Charles B. The Origins of Medieval Architecture. Building in Europe, A.D. 600-900, 2005

Mead, Christopher. The Paris Opera, 1991

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5th or 6th ed.

Miller, Michael. The Bon Marché. Bourgeois Culture & the Department Store, 1869-1920, 1981 (available e-bk)

Middleton, Robin. The Beaux-Arts and Nineteenth Century French Architecture, 1982.

Mumford, Lewis. The City in History. Its Origins, Transformations, and Its Prospects, 1961

Neumann, Dietrich. Film Architecture. From Metropolis to Blade Runner, 1999

Onians, John. Bearers of Meaning. The Classical Orders, 1988

Picon, A. French Architects & Engineers in Age of Enlightenment, 1988

Pinkney, David. Napoléon III and the Rebuilding of Paris, 1958

Ranum, Orest. Paris in the Age of Absolutism, 1979

Roux, Simone. Paris in the Middle Ages, 2003; Engl transla 2009

Russell, Frank. Art Nouveau Architecture

Rykwert, Joseph. The First Moderns. The Architects of the Eighteenth Century, 1980

Saalmann, Howard. Haussmann: Paris Transformed, 1971

Salvadori, Mario. Why Buildings Stand Up.

Saylor, Henry H. Dictionary of Architecture, 1952

Scarlett, Frank and Townley, Les Arts Décoratifs, 1925

Summerson, John. The Classical Language of Architecture, 1963 (or later reprint)

Sutcliffe, Anthony. Paris: An Architectural History, 1993

Texier, Simon. Paris Contemporain de Haussmann à nos jours, 2005

Texier, S. Paris. Grammaire de l'architecture XXe-XXIe siècles, 2007

Thomson, David. Renaissance Paris. Architecture and Growth 1475-1600

Troy, Nancy. Modernism and the Decorative Arts in France, 1991

Van Zanten, David. Building Paris. Architectural Institutions and the Transformation of the French Capital, 1994

Van Zanten, D. Designing Paris. The Architecture of Duban, Labrouste, Duc, and Vaudoyer, 1987

Vidler, Anthony (ed). “Paris under the Academy: City and Ideology,” Oppositions 8, Spring 1977.

Villari, Sergio. J.N.L. Durand 1760-1834, 1990

Wakeman, Rosemary. The Heroic City. Paris 1945-1958, 2009

Weber, Nicolas. Le Corbusier: A Life, 2008

Wigley, Mark. White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture, 2001

Wilson, Chistopher. The Gothic Cathedral, 1990

Yegül, Fikret. Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity, 1992iskin, Rochelle. The Place Vendome. Architecture

and Social Mobility in 18th c. Paris, 1999

Zola, Emile. Au Bonheur des Dames, 1887; (in English: Ladies Paradise)

Zola, E. Paris, New York, 1898



Catalog Description:
The architecture of Paris from its pre-Roman origins to the present.
GE Requirements Met:
Social Sciences (SSc)
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 9, 2025 - 4:26 pm