From Ashes by Elizabeth Fortunato

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ART 360 A: Topics in Studio Art and Practice

Meeting Time: 
MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
CMA 104
Michael Swaine
Michael Swaine

Syllabus Description:



being moved         



on the move               




(ART 360)

dont forget water

dont forget good shoes

dont forget hat/umbrella  

sun screen?


michael swaine

class meetings

mon  , wed ,


CMA(ceramic metal arts )

is the start of this class

but we will be everywhere and nowhere 






“The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers.” - James Baldwin


In this class, we’ll explore our experiences of public spaces through art. We’ll explore where we each live. We’ll investigate how actions, such as touring a city or viewing public art, can become art.

This class is designed with the idea in mind that most classes you’ll take at the university in future years will involve hours of sitting in chairs. This class is meant to offer the opposite experience — a mobile class that will keep you on the move most days and change how you are a look at the world  ( well that is asking for a lot ... but lets aim high but look low, toward the ground we stand on or roll on) .


"The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created. The classroom with all its limitations remains a location of possibility. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labour for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. This is education as the practice of freedom." - Bell Hooks 


DAY ONE press play on all of the videos below at once

NEXT DAY pick three to play 

FOLLOWING DAYS now, you can play them one at a time







missing .....


















As we begin the quarter, I as your instructor/professor want to inform you about how to voice concerns that may come up while you’re enrolled in this course. If your concern is something you feel you can discuss with me, I’m open to hearing about it. If it’s not something you feel you can discuss with me, or if we have a conversation about it that doesn’t successfully address your concern, there are other people available to help you resolve it. The nature of your concern can inform whom you should speak with about it: for example, I as your instructor am your first resource for discussing whether your DRS accommodations are being met, while students who are experiencing harassment from a faculty member, staff member, or student could reach out to SafeCampus immediately. The School of Art + Art History + Design Advising team is a fantastic resource for directing you where to go, and you can find a detailed explanation of the various pathways available to you on the School’s Voicing a Concern document. The link is available in our syllabus, or in the School’s website under the tab labelled “The School.”

The School of Art + Art History + Design believes that all students have the right to voice concerns that come up within the scope of their classes. We are here to support you and to work with you in building a positive learning environment. 


Here’s the link:






1/4  participation (in person and/or zoom and/or other)

1/4 small projects/ reading responses

1/4 class feedback loop 

1/4 your own research / work / project 




Catalog Description: 
Examines a variety of cutting edge, emerging, and interdisciplinary approaches in studio art and practice. Topics vary.
GE Requirements: 
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated: 
September 28, 2024 - 9:54pm

