ART 101 Visual Art and Creative Thinking
Zoom Link for Our Class on Tues. Nov. 9 and Tues. Nov 23:
Meeting ID: 940 205 5515
Autumn 2021 Tues./Thurs. 9:30am – 10:50am
Sections A and B come to classroom on Tuesdays.
Sections C and D come to classroom on Thursdays.
Room 327/329 Art Building, On-Campus
This course will have asynchronous components, but it is NOT a hybrid course.
On your NON - classroom day, you will have an asynchronous assignment to work on.
No Final Exam - All late work to be considered for any credit must submitted by Wed. Dec. 15th at noon at the latest
This course will explore how we observe and interpret our visual world. We will examine a variety of working methods to translate concepts into creative solutions. Students will be introduced to art and design terminology, techniques and analysis. Class sessions include short drawing, making, writing, and critical thinking exercises as well as lectures by visiting arts professionals and group activities. This is a great orientation to the opportunities available for students considering a major or minor in Art, Art History or Design.
Commitment to Positive Learning
Our classroom environment should be mutually respectful and inclusive of all students. Diversity of all kinds is essential to a thriving creative and critical environment. Thoughtful questions and debate are encouraged. Please be responsible and act with accountability toward each other and the studio facilities.
Claire Cowie
Artist-in-Residence, Interdisciplinary Visual Art (IVA)
Pronouns: she/her
Office: ART 206
This is where you will find information for all your classes, such as the course calendar, assignments, grades, announcements, and files. Students and faculty can initiate a discussion board. Course materials will bne organized through Modules
Art Advising
Teaching Assistants
Visiting Speakers
TBD (Will be over Zoom)
Grading Policy
Receiving full credit is based upon excellent participation, responsibility in all aspects of the course, and successful completion of all course assignments throughout the quarter.
Sketchbooks will be collected for grading at midterm and at the end of the quarter.
Many assignments will be submitted over Canvas.
Late work will be accepted, but there will be a 10% grade reduction late penalty.
Assignment details will be given verbally in class, and posted to Canvas as they are assigned.
Individual assignments will range in value from 3% - 15% of your final grade.
Grades will be posted to Canvas in the form of points equal to those percentages.
Grade Rubric
*You may need to make print-outs or photocopies throughout the quarter. The easiest way to do this is to have some extra $ on your Husky card and print in the School of Art Computer Center (SoACC) in the basement of the Art Building.
You will also need pencils, pens, eraser, and either double stick tape or a glue stick to add things to your sketchbook.
Religious Accommodations
Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at
Religious Accommodations Policy
Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the
Religious Accommodations Request Form
Building Hours, After-Hours Access, Code of Conduct, Locker Rentals, Participation, Etc:
SoA+AH+D Policies
o Covid-19 Prevention Plan for the School of Art + Art History + Design
o UW Covid-19 Face Covering Policy
o What Do I Do If I Feel Sick?
NOTE about locker rentals and other purchases this Autumn 2021:
During the first two weeks of the quarter (Sept 29 - Oct 8), students will only be able to purchase materials or rent lockers during the scheduled times below -