To Join Class:
Meeting ID: 925 7814 7816
Main IVA Shared Folder (for access to past classes and tech info):
OUR CLASS FOLDER (for assignment submissions to your personal subfolder):
Concepts in Printmaking: Relief Printing
Media: Linoleum Cut and Woodblock
Printing by hand, which is well-suited to the home/alternative studio environment
Taught Remotely
Faculty: Claire Cowie
Instructional Technician: Kim van Someren
A Term
M/T/W 1:10 - 4:00pm
Left to Right: Christie Tirado (UW alum), Santos Rene Irizzary, Elizabeth Catlett
Our general schedule:
Mondays - Instructor Presentations (project introductions, demonstrations, examples, vocabulary, history, etc.)
Tuesdays - Studio Work, Open Office Hours, and Individual Meetings with Students
Wednesdays - Group Discussions (brainstorming, sharing progress, critiques, etc.)