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Handmade Artists Books
Taught Remotely
Faculty: Claire Cowie
Instructional Technician: Kim van Someren
Left to Right: Stab Binding by Angelique Guina, Accordion by Julia Powers, Soft Coptic Stitch, Nested Accordion by Greta Enloe
This course balances bookbinding technique with conceptual exploration. Skill-based instruction will be provided for the development of traditional structures. Student will build on those skills with more experimental work in which they will have the creative and material freedom to incorporate photo, drawing, design, painting, printmaking, collage, digital technologies and other processes.
A Term
M/T/W 9am - 12:20pm
Our general schedule:
Mondays - Instructor Presentations (project introductions, demonstrations, examples, vocabulary, history, etc.)
Tuesdays - Studio Work, Open Office Hours, and Individual Meetings with Students
Wednesdays - Instructor demos, visiting artist, Group Discussions (brainstorming, sharing progress, critiques, etc.)