2016 Master of Design installations at Henry Art Gallery

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DESIGN 478 A: Information Design

Meeting Time: 
TTh 12:30pm - 3:20pm
ART 247
Karen Cheng
Karen Cheng

Syllabus Description:

DESIGN 478: Information Design is an advanced visual design course in information visualization. The course is restricted to undergraduate and graduate students in the UW Division of Design, School of Art + Art History + Design and selected students in the UW MHCI+D program. The course is full.

If you are not a UW Design or UW MHCI+D student and you wish to request a seat in the class, please email me at kcheng@uw.edu. In your email, please include a link to your online visual design portfolio, or attach a PDF (10MB maximum) of your design work. Please also explain your prior experience/qualifications in visual design.

Enrolled students, please note the UW Design Division First Day Policy.


The purpose of this class is to help students develop the skills necessary to research, analyze, and present information in a compelling visual narrative. Specifically, students will:
—Research and assemble a comprehensive set of information and data
—Transform this research into clear and persuasive information/data graphics
—Organize information/data graphics (and text) into an engaging story
—Discuss, analyze and evaluate effective and ineffective information design

Previous examples of student projects from this course may be viewed at:

Students will design an infographic narrative that shows how consumer spending has changed in the United States over time. The platform for your story is The Pudding, a publisher of data-based visual essays.

Initially, students will work together (in pairs) to research specific spending categories. Then, students will individually propose a specific storyline that is supported by data they (or others) have found. For the final product, students will work in pairs or individually to develop either 1) a scrolling microsite (interactive web-based visual essay) for The Pudding website or 2) a multi-page print-based editorial that would appear in an imaginary new The Pudding magazine.  

Students may chose from two different (but related) story prompts that have been proposed by The Pudding on their "backlog idea list": 

1_What’s a millionaire, anyway?
Examining spending power over the years throughout North America.

2_Visualization of cost of life for millennials
The idea would be to take everything we have around cost of living, incomes for different generations and show how life is different for each range (e.g., difficulty of buying homes, cars, education).

This course is being taught in-person. Students have the best learning experience when all class members are on time and prepared with their work at every course meeting.

However, if you become infected with COVID-19 or any other illness, please do not come to class; follow the guidelines on this COVID-19 flowchart. Note that masks are strongly recommended in the first two weeks because case counts typically spike at the start of the quarter, when more than 12,000 students arrive at UW after traveling nationally or internationally. Masks will remain recommended afterwards, as long as case counts remain low. 

Additionally, if you have a personal or medical issue that causes intermittent or chronic lateness and/or insufficient preparation, please let me and your teammates know as soon as possible so that we can adjust our expectations and accommodate your needs.

In the event that you need to miss class, please let me know as soon as possible via email. Also, please be sure to have at least two other student colleagues in the class who you can contact (via email and/or text) to review any missed discussions or assignments. If your absence is caused by an unexpected illness or personal emergency that will have ongoing impacts, I am happy to discuss providing appropriate accommodations for your situation.

Please note the UW Design Division Final Exam Policy.
Please note these UW SOAAHD policies, including the form to fill out for after-hours swipe card access at the Art Building loading zone doors. 

Grading is based on: 1)The quality of the final project—both visual and conceptual; 2) The design process—i.e., the extent of exploration and variation completed over the quarter; 3) Class participation, as assessed by peer evaluations and during critiques.

3.9–4.0 is given to a student who has exhibited the highest possible performance in all aspects of the course — the final project, the design process and class participation are excellent. Work is prepared with care/attention to detail and presented on time for all critiques/work sessions. This student independently seeks out additional information on design topics related to the course and is highly committed/passionate about their work.

3.5–3.8 is given to a student who exhibits superior performance in all aspects of the course—the final projects, design process and class participation are of high quality. Work is well-prepared and presented on time for all critiques/work sessions. This student has a thorough understanding of concepts being presented and is strongly self-motivated to improve and succeed.

3.2–3.4 is given to a student who has good performance in most aspects of the course. This student follows a thorough design process, produces solid design work and consistently participates in class. Work is prepared properly and presented on time for almost all critiques/work sessions. This student clearly understands most design concepts being presented.

2.8–3.1 is given to a student who has fair performance in most aspects of the course. This student follows a design process that could be expanded/improved. Work is not always prepared properly and/or presented in a timely manner. The resulting design work is fair, with inconsistent participation in critiques/work sessions. This student demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the course concepts being presented.

2.5–2.8 is given to a student who has low performance in the course. The final work is weak in quality, with a design process that reflects inadequate exploration and development. Class participation is minimal, and reflects an incomplete understanding of concepts being presented. The student has been unprepared for critique/work sessions on several occasions (late or improper presentation).

2.0–2.4 is given to a student with poor performance in the course. Projects are of an inferior quality, and reflect a sub-standard and incomplete design process. Preparation for critique/work sessions is inadequate (late or improper presentation). This student seldom participates in class, and fails to demonstrate adequate understanding of concepts being presented. This student is not prepared for subsequent courses in design.

0.0–2.0 is given to a student with very low performance in the course. Projects are deficient and/or defective in quality. The design process is negligible and/or very weak. Preparation for critique and/or work sessions is inadequate (late or improper presentation). This student rarely participates in class and demonstrates little understanding of the concepts being presented. This student is not prepared for subsequent courses in design.

Catalog Description: 
Exploration of strategies for enhancing and visually presenting complex statistics and data. Various information subjects are selected and formed into charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, directories and maps. Identify, through personal investigations, the principles which provide the most successful means for presentation of information. Prerequisite: DESIGN 466.
GE Requirements: 
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated: 
May 6, 2022 - 9:23pm

