Design in Taiwan
Students reflect on their trip to Taiwan on a 21-day study abroad program to learn about sustainable design

Alumni News – September 2023
A compilation of alumni news sourced from social media, newsletters, emails, RSS feeds, and more. You can send your news to soanews@uw.edu.

Miha Sarani: Amends
The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is pleased to host Seattle artist Miha Sarani. This exhibition is a broad survey of Sarani's work, focusing on portraiture while also reflecting his Slovenian heritage. It runs October 27 through November 23 with a reception on November 2.

Study Abroad in Amsterdam and the Netherlands
Summer 2022 fortunately enabled the reemergence of study abroad offerings through the School. We were pleased to send undergraduate students on a 10-week immersive Art History program…

Alumni News – August 2021
This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of August 2021. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

Alumni News – June 2021
This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of June 2021. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

Alumni News – May 2021
This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of April 2021. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

Art History + English
Alexis Calma is a senior majoring in both Art History and English. She has taken advantage of study abroad in Italy, and she is pursuing the honors option in Art History.

Designing Type – 2nd Edition
Fourteen years after the first edition was published, Professor Karen Cheng is releasing the fully revised second edition of her widely known book Designing Type. The American publisher of both books is Yale University Press.

Alumni News – August 2020
This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of August 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

Alumni News – July 2020
This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of July 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

Director's Notes
Each quarter of the academic year serves as a framework with a familiar pattern to those of us fortunate enough to study and work here. We are beholden to this particular rhythm, which provides structure…

Fulbright for Miller
Alum Miles Miller has been selected for a Fulbright Fellowship. He will be doing research in South Korea on the indigenous innovations and modernization of traditional Korean residential architecture, design, and craft.

Wieczorek at NIAS
Art History Associate Professor Marek Wieczorek was in Amsterdam from February to mid-June as a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences where he did research and writing for a new book.

Director's Notes
Although the return to campus following spring break typically means maneuvering through the crowds of visitors admiring the cherry trees, the anticipation of graduation, and laughter in the Quad, this year…

Art + Art History in Rome
The School has been sending study abroad programs to Italy for many years, but winter quarter 2020 saw something new: one program that combined faculty and students from the Divisions of Art and Art History.

Alumni News – January 2020
This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of January 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

Art History Grad Student Activities
Graduate students in the Division of Art History are often busy with projects outside the traditional classroom. Here are a few examples from 2019.

Yin + Tropical Lab 13
Shuo Yin, a Painting + Drawing MFA student, attended this residency in Singapore during the summer. He has an exhibition of work created during and inspired by that experience opening on November 7.

Where Study Abroad May Lead
Alums Claire Peckham and Marijke Keyser met in 2013 while on the School's Tuscany Exploration Seminar. Several years later, they both attended graduate school in England. Learn about their journey.

Drapkin + Tropical Lab 12
Abigail Drapkin, a second year MFA student, attended Tropical Lab 12 in Singapore this summer. She has an exhibition of work created during and inspired by that experience with a reception on October 22.

Director's Notes
The glorious weather that accompanied the first week of the 2018–19 academic year reminds us how fortunate we are to be part of the UW community. With the largest entering class in the history of the UW…

Rometti Prize
The School has sent students to the Rometti Prize competition in Italy for five years, but the 2018 competition included several firsts, one of which was the top prize going to one or our students.

Summer Adventures
We asked one undergraduate from each of our divisions to write about what they did this summer outside the traditional classroom. Their experiences all resulted in growth and insight.

Director's Notes
During the first half of autumn quarter, I had the good fortune to co-teach our Studio Art Program in Rome: the twentieth iteration of this exceptional and remarkable educational experience . . .

Wilson + Tropical Lab 11
Caitlyn Wilson, a second year MFA student, attended Tropical Lab 11 in Singapore this summer. She has an exhibition of work inspired by that experience with a reception on Nov 13.

Design Pecha Kucha
An annual event in which Design students give Pecha Kucha style presentations about their experiences over the summer. This year, it took place on Nov 2 with an overflow audience.

Roberts Wins Swiss Award
3D4M Lecturer Kate Roberts was invited to participate in this year's Parcours Céramique Carougeois in Switzerland. She built Gate to nowhere on site, and she won the Fondation Bruckner Award.

Art History at RSA in Chicago
The 2017 Renaissance Society of America conference had an unusually high participation by people with ties to the School. We count four faculty, three graduate students, and three alums. Were there more?

Active Art History Graduate Students
MA and PhD students in the Division of Art History are often busy with research, writing, presentations, and projects. We report on the recent and upcoming activities of five continuing students and two newly-minted PhDs.

New Faculty Activities
Our four newest tenure-track faculty—Jason O. Germany, Aaron Flint Jamison, Adair Rounthwaite, and Michael Swaine—have been busy with developing their courses along with activities outside the classroom.
Extra-curricular Experiences
Learning experiences outside the classroom can be an important part of a college education. The School has scholarships and partnerships that have helped to make this possible for a number of students.

Awakenings in Texas
The Nebula Project has supported a number of classes and events in the last two years. Among those is the spring quarter ART 590, Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar in Contemporary Practices, which all first-year MFA students attend. Scott Lawrimore...

From UW to the Getty
Mary Louise Hart (MA 1983) has been passionate about ancient Greek art since taking her first course on the subject. After earning her PhD and securing a tenured faculty position, she was invited to join the Getty Museum as a curator, with responsibilities that have included developing a program for the Getty Villa's new outdoor theater. While Hart had in-depth knowledge of ancient Greek art and a PhD minor in classical Greek language, performance of ancient theater had been a peripheral interest for her. Now she had to learn everything she could about the subject

Our Man at TED
When Design Division Lecturer Dominic Muren received his invitation to participate in the July 2010 TEDGlobal conference as one of 23 TEDGlobal Fellows, he was thrilled. TED is a nonprofit devoted to "ideas worth spreading." Its TED Talks website, with short talks presented at TED conferences, attracts millions of visitors worldwide. "I've been to quite a few lectures in my life and also count myself as sociable at conferences," says Muren. "TED tested my abilities like nothing I've ever experienced. There were so many talks to see. Some days there were as many as 20, and they were 18 minutes each. Often, these talks jumped from one fascinating topic to another, all equally exciting. I could feel my brain cramping up. To top it all off, when we weren't listening, we were talking with world-class scientists, like Julian Assange from Wikileaks, and musicians like Annie Lennox and Imogen Heap."

Italy as a Second Home
Curt Labitzke first visited Italy in 2002. Little did he know what a major part of his life that country would become. By December 2010, Labitzke, associate professor in the Art Division, will have led or co-led five quarter-long Studio Art Programs in Rome and three month-long Exploration Seminars in Tuscany. While many faculty hesitate to manage a study abroad program due to the work involved, Labitzke describes it as "truly my favorite teaching assignment and certainly the most rewarding of all my responsibilities as a faculty member."