"It's only a piece of paper"
Link to Everett Herald Magazine Article: https://issuu.com/pnwmarketplace/docs/i20210201111916438/18
ART 350
Fall Quarter 2021 Monday/Wednesday 2:30
Printmaking Special Projects: Intaglio plate making and Color
Color proofing and printing as idea development and image exploration.
5 Credits
Printmaking Courses Link: Google Shared Drives
Instructor: Curt Labitzke cwl@uw.edu
Instructional Technician: Kim van Sommeren kimvs@uw.edu
This class will meet on campus Fall Quarter 2021.
All work will be completed at the UW Print studio spaces.
This class is conducted in-person. Students are expected to participate in class to fully benefit from course activities and meet the course’s learning objectives. Students should only register for this class if they are able to attend in-person. To protect their fellow students, faculty, and staff, students who feel ill or exhibit possible COVID symptoms should not come to class. When absent, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor in advance (or as close to the class period as possible in the case of an unexpected absence), and to request appropriate make-up work as per policies established in the syllabus. What make-up work is possible, or how assignments or course grading might be modified to accommodate missed work, is the prerogative of the instructor. For chronic absences, the instructor may negotiate an incomplete grade after the 8th week, or recommend the student contact their academic adviser to consider a hardship withdrawal (known as a Registrar Drop). From the Deans Office.
This course will be a numerically graded course.
Students are expected to spend a minimum of 10-15 hours per week, including class time, for this course.
And an Article about my Summer course from UW Magazine: https://magazine.washington.edu/?p=22696&post_type=feature&preview=1&_ppp=fa5e10bd10 (Links to an external site.)
An article from UW Daily on printmaking on line:
College of Arts and Sciences Conference video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ByhE5CYYX7dUoN8tJ10DGcrdfM_z2mm5/view?usp=sharing
Printmaking Special Projects will focus on designing and printing multi-color prints. Various plate making and color printing methods and materials will be discussed. Students will be asked to design a few individual projects this quarter based upon their goals, interests, abilities and limitations.
Please see the assignments section for assignments/projects this quarter.
Most assignments due Monday's before class begins but check syllabus and Announcements for exact dates .
Please note: Calendar, syllabus and assignments subject to change throughout the quarter. If changes are made you will have plenty of advanced notice.
Bruce Nauman. Facemask. Drawing. 1980's
School of Art resources for students:
There are limited student equipment loans, primarily for iPad Pros. Email to request equipment. Following confirmation of your request, reserve a pickup appointment day / time. Equipment is available for pickup at the Art Building loading dock area on Mondays / Tuesdays / Thursdays between 10am and 1pm, and loan periods are two weeks. All returns are on scheduled days / times and are arranged with the borrower.
Primary equipment loans (large variety of items) should be through the UW Student Technology Fee loan program.
Chiaroscuro Wood Cut Ugo da Carpi 16th C
Week 1
W S 29 First day of class. Welcome back!
Introductions and overview of course. Getting started.
Kim: Health and Safety Link: Safety Guidelines_LiveWork.pdf.
Required to continue in class. No exceptions and no make ups given.
Start collecting supplies.
Start drawing at home for first project. Begin individual research.
Begin thinking about your print project for the first few weeks of
the quarter.
Introduce # 1 Drawing Assignment.
Minni's Large Donut. Intaglio Color viscosity print.
Week 2
M O4 Introduce your self to the group. Share a images?
What are your goals for the quarter?
Questions, thoughts, comments.
Drawing Assignment due Today.
Larry Sommers: Instructional Tech Printmaking. We miss you and those hotplate breakfasts.
W O 6 Live Demo: Making and Proof Printing from electric engraver plates. Using the Press.
Go over Second assignment.
Week 3
M O 11 Demo: Printing Engraved plexi plates using waterbased crayons by hand and with the press.
W O 13 Studio Work Day
Week 4
M O 18 Studio Work Day.
Flat stacking to flatten/dry prints using cinder blocks wrapped in paper.
W O 20 Studio Work Day. Get ready for presentations next week.
Start researching Drypoint artists and thinking about your presentation.
Week 5
Portrait Color Study 1882 Gary Nemcosky
M O 25 Project Presentations Part 1.
W O 27 Finish first project presentations
Hot Glue Gun Spiders in my studio.
Week 6
M N 1 Live demo: Drypoint plate making and printing.
Adding a relief roll in color.
W N 3 Studio Work Day.
Week 7
M N 8 Drypoint Reseach Project Presentations part I. See schedule for day and time.
W N 10 Drypoint Research Project Presentations part II. See schedule for day and time.
Week 8
M N15 Live Demo: COLOR! History, theory, handcoloring, crayons, ink mixing, tapouts.
Multiple Plates, simultaneous color printing, offsetting etc.
Akua ink tap out or draw down. Transparency scale along bottom using Akua extender.
W N 17 Group Studio Work Day. Begin Final Drypoint/Color project.
Print on both sides of a thin paper.
Two plate print with water color crayon work.
Two plate color a la poupee print.
Week 8
M N 22 Individual Conference Meetings with Curt 15 min each. See schedule for your time and day. Be ready to share your progress, images, thoughts and questions.
Please note: If you are not meeting with me you have a studio work day.
We will keep to the time schedule so be on time.
W N 24 Individual Conference Meetings with Curt 15 min each. See schedule for your time and day. Be ready to share your progress, images, thoughts and questions.
Please note: If you are not meeting with me you have a studio work day.
We will keep to the time schedule so be on time.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Week 9
M N 29 Studio Work Day.
W D 1 Studio Work Day.
Week 10
M D 6 Kim Demo: Paper Lithography and Xerox Transfer. Studio work day.
W D 8 Written in-Class Critique of Final Project.
1. Have 5 images ready to share with the group.
2. One page written statement about your work. Content, subject, thoughts and
ideas regarding the process and how it impacted your work.
3. Three written questions for the group.
T D 14 2:30 -4:30 REQUIRED: Studio Clean Up.
All 5 Final Portfolio Images due by end of the day to our Canvas Course site.
Written summary of your progress this quarter due by end of the day.
Labitzke. Colorful Flea. Viscosity Print
Important Information for all Students
2021-22 Policies
- Equal Opportunity
- In concurrence with the University of Washington’s core values, and in compliance with State and federal regulations, the School of Art + Art History + Design reaffirms its commitment to equal opportunity. The commitment extends to the recruitment of faculty, staff, and students who exhibit a dedication to creative and academic excellence and who demonstrate the ability to work with a diverse spectrum of populations.
- Diversity
- The School of Art + Art History + Design fosters a respectful, inclusive community that supports creative and critical expression and scholarship amidst a culture that accepts the value of every individual. The School encourages students, faculty, and staff to engage in healthy dialogue and respect the values and global perspectives of a diverse population. The School promotes and encourages a culture of compassion,
understanding, and an obligation to respectful discourse in classrooms, meeting rooms, studio spaces, and beyond. The School’s philosophy is reflected in our engagement with community partners and research endeavors locally, nationally, and globally.
- Student Code of Conduct
- The University of Washington has established rules regarding student conduct. Through the Student Conduct Code, UW students hold themselves to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and accountability. More information at UW Community Standards & Student Conduct (CSSC): https://www.washington.edu/cssc/for-students/student-code of-conduct/
- If you have questions or concerns please contact the CSSC Team at 206-685-6194 or cssc@uw.edu
- Equipment and Materials Safety
- Substances and equipment used in creative processes can be hazardous. • Enrollment in a class requires students to know, understand, and comply with all safety and equipment use policies for each classroom/studio.
- Exhaust rooms are mandatory for the use of aerosols.
- Student Health and Wellness
- Student health and well-being are important. UW-Seattle offers a wide range of health and wellness services, from exceptional medical care and counseling services to recreation classes, safety resources, peer health advocacy, trainings and more. These can be found at wellbeing.uw.edu
- Violence Awareness and Prevention
- Preventing violence, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation is everyone's responsibility.
- Call 911 for emergency help.
- Call 206-685-SAFE to report non-urgent threats or concerns.
- Safe Campus: www.washington.edu/safecampus
- Concerns about sexual harassment:
https://www.washington.edu/safecampus/harassment-and-sexual-harassment/ • NightRide provides a fare-free safe way for U-Pass members to get home at night: www.washington.edu/facilities/transportation/uwshuttles/NightRide
Updated 9/21/21
- Connect to UW Alert. Register your mobile device to receive instant notification of campus emergencies via text and voice messaging. Sign up at www.washington.edu/alert
- Concerns about a course, an individual, or an issue
- If you have concerns about a course, an individual, or an issue concerning the School of Art + Art History + Design, talk with the instructor in charge of the class as soon as possible.
- If this is not possible or productive, make an appointment with the Director of Academic Advising, 104 Art, 206-543-0646.
- Disability Accommodation
- To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Student Disability Services, 011 Mary Gates Hall, (206) 543-8924 (V/TTY) or
- Your instructor will receive an email outlining your academic accommodations prior to the first day of class. It is a good idea to discuss these accommodations directly with your instructor to ensure that your instructor can help you with your needs.
- Religious Accommodation
- Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities.
- The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy
(https://registrar.washington.edu/staffandfaculty/religious-accommodations-policy/). • Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form
- Class Participation
- First day policy: Instructors assume that if you are not present for roll call on the first day of a studio art class you have decided not to remain enrolled. If you miss the first day without permission, it is your responsibility to drop the course. You may contact the instructor in advance and ask for permission to be absent on the first day.
- Participation is essential to learning and success in all classes. If you miss class due to illness or emergency, notify your instructor and set up a timeline to complete missed assignments and exams.
- Examination Schedule
- Students are required to turn in assignments and take exams based on the timeline provided in the class syllabus.
- Final exams are scheduled by the University and cannot be changed. Do not make plans that will prevent you from attending your final exam(s).
- Plagiarism
- Plagiarism is using the creations, ideas, words, inventions, or images of someone else in your own work without formal acknowledgement or permission. This applies to written papers and research as well as to art, design and architectural images.
- Please check with your instructor if you have questions about what constitutes plagiarism. • More information about reporting academic misconduct: www.uw.edu/cssc/report-it/
- Copyright
- The School regularly displays student art and design in a variety of ways to highlight the quality of our students and their learning.
Updated 9/21/21
- This is traditional among all art schools and we assume that by participating in UW School classes and activities students have no objection.
- If you have concerns about the use of your work, please contact Academic Advising and Student Services (206-543-0646 or uaskart@uw.edu)
- Incomplete Grades
- To request an “incomplete” grade a student must have:
o been in attendance and done satisfactory work through the eighth week of the quarter
o satisfactory proof for the instructor that the work cannot be completed because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control.
- More information from the UW Office of the Registrar:
- Grade Appeal Procedure
- If you think the grade you received is incorrect, contact the instructor to discuss your concern.
- If not resolved, make an appointment with the Director of Academic Advising, 104 Art, 543-0646.
- Materials Fees
- All art, design and art history classes have materials fees billed with tuition. • Fee amounts and justifications are listed by class in the quarterly Time Schedule. • These fees cover the purchase of materials, academic support, and equipment provided for students in each class.
- Service Animals
- The University has a general “no pets” policy in all of its buildings. However, Service Animals are allowed to accompany their handlers while on campus
- UW Disability Resources for Students outlines the policies around Service and Emotional Support Animals: depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/current
- Lockers
- The School provides lockers and locks to enrolled students. Cost is $12 per quarter. • Students can rent a locker from the Administration Office, Art 102. The office accepts Husky Card, credit and debit.
- Obey all rules and guidelines printed on the Locker Assignment sheet issued. Failure to do so will prohibit future locker privileges.
- Students must clean out or renew their locker before the last day of finals week each quarter. If lockers are not renewed before the last day of finals, the lock will be changed and items discarded.
- The School is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen property stored in lockers.
- Art Building Exhibition Policies
- Instructors and students must receive administrative approval at least two weeks in advance to install work in the Art Building.
- Read these policies and complete the included application form.
- Email the completed form to Ruth Kazmerzak (askartadmin@uw.edu), SoA+AH+D Administrative Services Coordinator, for approval.
- After-Hours Access
- ART Building hours are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6:20 PM.
Updated 9/21/21
- Students enrolled in studio classes and accepted SoA+AH+D undergraduate majors and graduate students can have their Husky Cards programmed to access the Art Building after-hours.
- After-hours access is permitted only through the loading dock door facing Chelan Lane, near the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Tapping your pre-programmed Husky Card at the terminal grants entry.
- Students may request after-hours access to the Art Building for course-related work by filling out this form. Students will need to use their UW G Suite account to access the application form. Please allow two business days after completing the form for access to be assigned.
- Anyone in the building after hours is responsible for the safety and security of the building. Anyone who allows an unauthorized person into the building or a workspace, props open a door for any reason, or fails to adhere to their studio-specific safety policies risks losing after-hours access to the building.
- Accepted majors and graduate students only need to apply for access once a year for Autumn-Winter-Spring access. Non-majors enrolled in studio classes will only be allowed quarter access and once the quarter is over, their access will expire. The School will reset access for every major at the beginning of summer quarter.
- UWPD frequently monitors the Art Building after hours to ensure your safety and security. • If you are having access issues, visit Art 102 for assistance.
Updated 9/21/21