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- RRF Scholar Award for Khullar (September 8, 2017)
- Art History: 4 PhDs + 1 MA (June 2, 2016)
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- Barbara Budnick. "The Lay of the Land: English Landscape Themes in Early Modern Painting in England." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2017.
- Jennifer R. Henneman. "Her Representation Precedes Her: Transatlantic Celebrity, Portraiture, and Visual Culture, 1865-1890." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2016.
- Amanda B. Waterman. “Neo-Pre-Raphaelitism: The Final Generations.” PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2016.
- Lauren Palmor. “Shadows and Light: Seeing Senescence in British and American Genre Painting, ca. 1850-1910.” PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2016.
- Kimberly Hereford. "Sleep, Sickness, and Spirituality: Altered States and Victorian Visions of Femininity in British and American Art, 1850-1915." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2015.
- Susan Casteras. "From Thackeray to Stowe: British Constructions of Slavery during the American Civil War," in Christine DeVine, Nineteenth-Century British Travelers in the New World. (London: Ashgate Press, 2013) pp. 221 - 250.
- Amanda B. Waterman. "Frank Cadogan Cowper : the last Pre-Raphaelite." MA Thesis, University of Washington, 2008.
- Susan Casteras. "Post-Raphaelite Visions: A Strangely Disordered Gaze," in Margaretta Watson, ed., Collecting the Pre-Raphaelites: The Anglo-American Enchantment.(London: Scolar Press, 1998), pp.139-149.
- Susan Casteras. English Pre-Raphaelitism and its Reception in America in the 19th Century. London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1990.