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- Assistant Professor, Art History
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- Japanese Woodcut Prints (June 9, 2023)
- Mintz Moves to Asian Art Museum (June 17, 2016)
- Art History: 4 PhDs + 1 MA (June 2, 2016)
Related Research
- “Images Old and New: Buddhist Painting Preservation and the Transmission of Tradition in Premodern Japan.” Ars Orientalis 54 (2024): 79–107.
- “Hell.” In The New Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions. Edited by Jolyon B. Thomas and Matthew McMullen, 135-155. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2024.
- “The Miraculous Descent of Amida Buddha.” Impressions 45 (2024): 74-95.
- Mediating Salvation in Premodern Japanese Hell Paintings: Image, Text, Ritual.” In Sano Midori sensei kokikinen ronshū: Zōkei no poetika, Nihon bijutsushi o meguru aratana chihei 佐野みどり先生古稀記念論集:造形のポエティカ―日本美術史を巡る新たな地平 [Festschrift in Honor of Professor Sano Midori. The Poetics of Form: New Horizons in Japanese Art History]. Edited by Sano sensei kinen ronshū kankōkai 佐野先生記念論集刊行会, 1115-1093 (reverse pagination). Tokyo: Seikansha, 2021.
- “Constructing the Afterlife, Re-envisioning Salvation: Enma Halls and Enma Veneration in Medieval Japan,” Archives of Asian Art, 69:1 (Spring 2019): 21-53.
- Philip K. Hafferty. "Sit Awhile and Have Some Tea: A Comparative Analysis of Three Japanese Tea Ceremony Houses at Public Japanese-style Gardens in the Pacific Northwest." MA Practicum Project, University of Washington, 2016.
- Barbara Johns. "Knowing Your Place: Issei Artists in Seattle / Kenjiro Nomura, Kamekichi Tokita, and Takuichi Fujii." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2014.
- Darlene Martin. “An Alternate Aestheticism: Japonisme and Popular Imagery in Britain and America, 1860-1910.” PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, in progress.