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- Kimberly Hereford. "Sleep, Sickness, and Spirituality: Altered States and Victorian Visions of Femininity in British and American Art, 1850-1915." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2015.
- Susan Casteras. "The Pre-Raphaelization of the Modern Literary Heroine," in Margaret Hanni et al., Breaking New Ground in Art History (Washington, D.C.: New Academic Press, 2014), pp. 53-74.
- Susan Casteras. "Women and Children Last in Victorian Emigration Paintings," in Exiles and Emigrants: Epic Journeys to Australia in the Victorian Era. (National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2006), pp. 58 - 71.
- Susan Casteras. "Winged Fantasies: constructions of childhood, innocence, adolescence , and sexuality in Victorian fairy painting,"in Marilyn R. Brown, ed., Picturing Children: Constructions of Childhood between Rousseau and Freud (London: Ashgate Press, 2004), pp. 142-175.
- Susan Casteras. "The Symbolist Debt to Pre-Raphaelitism: A Pan-European Phenomenon," in Thomas Tobin, ed., World-wide Pre-Raphaelitism (New York: SUNY Press, 2004, pp.119 - 144).
- Susan Casteras. "Painted Fictions: Commemorating the Everyday in Victorian Art", in Pre-Raphaelite and Other Masters: The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2003), pp. 204 - 228.
- Susan Casteras. The Defining Moment: Victorian Narrative Painting. (Charlotte, N.C. and New York: Mint Museum of Art, 2000). pp. 126-148.
- Susan Casteras. "Post-Raphaelite Visions: A Strangely Disordered Gaze," in Margaretta Watson, ed., Collecting the Pre-Raphaelites: The Anglo-American Enchantment.(London: Scolar Press, 1998), pp.139-149.
- Susan Casteras. "The Unsettled Hearth: The Problematics of Women and Victorian Interiors," in Ellen Harding, ed., Re-Framing the Pre-Raphaelites: Historical and Theoretical Essays. (London: Scolar Press, 1997), 149-172.
- Susan Casteras and Coleen Denney, authors and eds. The Grosvenor Gallery: A Palace of Art in Victorian England (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996).