Related Faculty
- Associate Director, School of Art + Art History + Design
Professor, Art History
Donald E. Petersen Endowed Professor
Latest News
- 500 Years of Innovation (February 17, 2020)
- Graduate Medalist in the Arts (June 11, 2017)
- Art History at RSA in Chicago (March 17, 2017)
- Active Art History Graduate Students (June 20, 2016)
Related Research
- Or Vallah. "(Dis)ability and the Making of the Early Modern Artist." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, in progress.
- "’Morto per l'arte:’ Early Modern Artists as Enabled Makers,” What's New About Renaissance Florence? RSA, Online, December 1, 2022.
- “Michelangelo’s Minerva Christ. The Medieval Man of Sorrows and Eucharistic Piety in the Early Sixteenth Century,” The Sixteenth Century Journal (accepted on 7/26/2019; expected: 2021).
- “The Madonna del Baraccano. Restoring a Marian image in Early Modern Bologna,” in Madonne. Reframing Images of Mary in Early Modern Spaces, Sacrima Series, III (Brepols; expected: 2021).
- Gloria de Liberali. "Lorenzo Costa’s Triumphs in the Bentivoglio Chapel. Spiritual Salvation and Artistic Invention in Renaissance Bologna." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2021.
- Lane Eagles. "On Her Substance: Dress and Fecundity in Renaissance Painting." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2019.
- Or Vallah. "Nanni di Banco’s Assumption of the Virgin relief and its lost silk girdle." Presented at the Annual Meeting of The Renaissance Society of America, New Orleans, 2018.
- Erin Giffin. "Body and Apparition: Material Presence in Sixteenth-Century Italian Religious Sculpture." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2017.
- Stuart Lingo. “Federico Barocci and the Legacy of the Renaissance,” in Federico Barocci, Renaissance Master: A Symposium, ed. Babette Bohn and Judy Mann. Burlington and Farnham: Ashgate, forthcoming 2016.
- Estelle Lingo. “Looking Back: Mochi and Borromini at S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini,” in Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, ed. Louis Waldman and Machtelt Israëls. 2 vols. Milan: Officina Libraria, 2013, 597-603.