A History of Land by Amanda C. Sweet

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All content tagged with this term:


portrait of Rebecca Cummins
Professor, Photo/Media + New Genres, Floyd and Delores Jones Endowed Professor in the Arts
Maryam Dehbozorgi
MFA student, Photo/Media
Aly Edmondson
School Alum
Ellen Garvens
Professor, Photo/Media, Donald E. Petersen Endowed Faculty Fellow
Garrett Hamlow
Instructional Technician 2: IVA + Photo/Media
Alex Hill
Computer Support Technician 2
Flint Jamison
Chair, Photo/Media + New Genres, Associate Professor, Photo/Media + New Genres
Whitney Lynn
Associate Professor, Photo/Media + New Genres
MFA student, New Genres
MFA student, New Genres
School Alum
Ilysia Van Deren
Instructional Technician: Photo/Media
Michael Van Horn
Instructional Technician: Photo/Media, School Alum
Victor Yañez-Lazcano
Assistant Professor, Photo/Media + New Genres

