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- Assistant Professor, Art History
- Assistant Professor, Art History
- Associate Professor, Photo/Media + New Genres
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- Simpson Center Support (June 26, 2017)
Related Research
- Jennifer Baez, "How to Wrap a Colonizer." In Nourish and Resist: Food and Feminisms in Contemporary Global Caribbean Art, eds. Hannah Ryan and Lesley A. Wolff (Yale University Press), 2024. Available via A&AePortal.
- Hall W. Rockefeller, “Women of the Pacific Northwest: Whitney Lynn,” less than half, June 29, 2020.
- Granite Calimpong. "Eye and I: Assumptive Folly in the I and the Institution.” MFA Thesis, University of Washington, 2019.
- Jennifer R. Henneman. "Her Representation Precedes Her: Transatlantic Celebrity, Portraiture, and Visual Culture, 1865-1890." PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, 2016.
- Susan Casteras. "Joseph Noel Paton's 'Bond and Free: Five Studies Illustrative of Slavery,'" in Julie Codell, ed. Visual Resources. 2011, pp. 48 - 62.
- Adair Rounthwaite. “Veiled Subjects: Shirin Neshat and Non-Liberatory Agency,” The Journal of Visual Culture 7 2 (2008): 165-180.
- Susan Casteras. "Seeing the Unseen: Faces in the Victorian Crowd" in Carol Christ and John O. Jordan, eds., The Victorian Visual Imagination (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1995).