Pantheon by Gavriella Aguilar

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News: Student Success

2018 Scholarship Reception
RepairCycle by Coreen Callister, David Duyker, and Logan Windish
Dean Robert Stacey with medalists
Jamie Walker
Work by Connor Walden, Brighton McCormick, Baorong Liang
Juan Franco Ricardo and Miha Sarani
Jamie Walker
Clare Ortblad
ARCAD by Joe Costello
Strange Coupling 2019
Danny Giles and others in Jacob Lawrence Gallery
Cover of Monday, volume 3
Students at graduation
Anna Sexton
T1 Traveler
Sonny Assu lecture in Art History 233
College Art Association logo
MDes Thesis Poster Show
Abigail Drapkin work at Tropical Lab 12
Student work exhibition at Meany Hall
Jamie Walker
Atteggiamento by Rachel Bradley
To House at Seattle Design Festival Block Party
Student working on etching plate
Juan Franco
Rachel Connelly and Joylyn Yang
2017 Scholarship Reception
Study for Ingress/Egress by Granite Calimpong
Vessels by Timea Tihanyi and Slip Rabbit Studio


