Julian Body. Our Grails, 2022. Mixed media. Installed at the 2022 MFA + MDes Thesis Exhibition, Henry Art Gallery. Photo by Jueqian Fang.
Julian Body. "Our Grails: Conversations on Our Most Prized Sneakers." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2022.

Sneakers are ubiquitous cultural artifacts. Embedded with the marrow of society’s customs, institutions, and beliefs, sneakers are the brushstrokes capturing states of our existence. But what do these artifacts–in particular our most prized, often unattainable ones–say about us as individuals? This thesis mines for the pieces of ourselves that enkindle reverence for these objects; framed through conversations with 24 sneaker collectors, it identifies these cherished artifacts as the coalescence of identity, life experience, and individual aspirations. Applying design as a storytelling medium, its aim is to capture what it means to know one’s self through a sneaker.

Read Medium post about the research phase.

Read Medium post about the design phase.

View images and read a related commentary on the Graduate Showcase website.

Status of Research