Perspective drawing by student

Shifting Planes: Envisioning the approach to rock climbing and dynamic movement in Mixed Reality

Rebecca Rhee. Detail of Shifting Planes, 2022. Mixed media. Installed at the 2022 MFA + MDes Thesis Exhibition, Henry Art Gallery. Photo by Jueqian Fang.
Rebecca Rhee. "Shifting Planes: Envisioning the approach to rock climbing and dynamic movement in Mixed Reality." MDes Thesis, University of Washington, 2022.

Mixed reality is where the physical world can intervene and interact within the virtual world. It is an emergent medium used for simulation and training where the physical world is used to enhance a virtual environment. This thesis envisions how rock climbing could utilize the combination of virtual reality and the tactility of physical climbing by providing an experience that attempts to mimics the reality of outdoor climbing. Its intent is for use as a training mechanism that gives climbers a convenient way to train for real-world climbing routes.

Read Medium post about the research phase.

Read Medium post about the design phase.

View images and read a related commentary on the Graduate Showcase website.

Status of Research