Entry installation at Design Show 2016

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Design: Student Work

  • Poster for font adjacent to sign that inspired it
    Breuer Sans Typeface. Designed by Ashten Alexander, Sakura Chino, Vera Drapers, and Alan Enriquez. Based on a sign at the Seattle Waterfront Park.
  • Wall graphic with images and text representing National Gallery Singapore
    National Gallery Singapore Rebrand. Designed by Evita Wijaya.
  • Table and three stools
    Variable Objects. Designed by Eric Nakassa. A modular furniture system catering to environmentally conscious apartment dwellers with limited space and an interest in maker culture.
  • Card deck case and a few cards
    Disability Justice for Urban Planners and Designers card deck. Created by Olivia Quesada. This card deck educates professionals on creating accessible spaces for disabled folk.
  • NED (Not Entirely Dead) thesis installation at Henry Art Gallery
    NED — Not Entirely Dead. Created by MDes student Eason Yang. NED is a social enterprise championing young adult cancer survivors in the workplace.

