Inheritance by Katherine Groesbeck

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News: Research

Work by Connor Walden, Brighton McCormick, Baorong Liang
Jamie Walker
Steel pennies
Chinaman's Chance video still by Zhi Lin
ARCAD by Joe Costello
Cover of Monday, volume 3
Jamie Walker
T1 Traveler
College Art Association logo
Internet of Things collage
Control and Release installation by Timea Tihanyi
Stumble by Helen O'Toole
Control and Release exhibition by Timea Tihanyi
Entrance to 2018 thesis exhibition
Patch for Mission to the Moon: 2030
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse
Monday, volume 1
Jamie Walker
Christopher Seeds, Joe Costello, Emma Teal Laukitis, Aubree Ball
Full-scale holographic flight deck in classroom
Sonal Khullar
Microscopic image from Wordeman Lab website
Perfect Imperfect installation at 9e2 by Timea Tihanyi
Allan and Mary Kollar


