Perspective drawing by student

Art History and You: Visual Resources for Deepening Undergraduate Connections to Art History at the UW School of Art, Art History and Design

Elizabeth Copland. "Art History and You: Visual Resources for Deepening Undergraduate Connections to Art History at the UW School of Art, Art History and Design." MA Practicum Project, University of Washington, 2022.

In this age of burgeoning digital media and visual information, the University of Washington’s department of Art History currently lacks a visual campaign for recruiting undergraduate students. Further, the departmental Academic Advising office, which practices a narrative-based advising approach, is seeking new undergraduate student-centered visual resources that can be readily accessed and shared with the UW student population at critical stages of their educational pathway. Departmental Academic Advisers are uniquely situated to work with Art History students from the early stages of their college experience. My practicum project, “Art History and You,” is centered on connecting with students at these different stages with examples of student, faculty and alumni stories that answer the following questions:

  • What is unique about UW Art History and what are our collective stories within the discipline?
  • What are some of the factors bringing undergraduate and graduate students (at every level and stage of their education) into this discipline?
  • What unique attributes and resources do our students have access to, and how can these attributes impact their future professional lives?

Selecting a major in college is a source of considerable stress for many undergraduate students, and having visual narratives of success stories can offer security, confidence and inspiration for those considering Art History as a major. Additionally, through the development of this visual library of resources, the Art History department can ensure a more forward facing presence on social media, showcasing the value and community of the department for a broad audience.

Additional information on the Graduate Showcase website.

Status of Research