At the Circus: The Spanish Walk by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

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Conference Papers


Short Title People Involved Related Fields
Songs of the War: Homer's Print, National Identity, and Musical Gallantry (2019) Emma McIntosh 19th Century, American, Art History, Printmaking


Image Short Title People Involved Related Fields
Morto per l'arte:’ Early Modern Artists as Enabled Makers (2022) Or Vallah 16th Century, Art History, Italian, Renaissance
Nairy Baghramian: Stretching Beyond the Material (2022) Inji Kim 21st Century, Art History
Leveraging Empathic Strategies: Prototyping for Commercial Space Vehicle Design (2020) Jason O. Germany Design, Industrial Design
Form Follows Story: An Approach to Designing for Commercial Space Travel (2019) Jason O. Germany Design, Industrial Design
ListeningCup by Audrey Desjardins ListeningCups: A Case of Data Tactility (2019) Audrey Desjardins, Timea Tihanyi Design, Human-computer Interaction, Interaction Design
REP(AIR): An Olfactory Interface for Bike Maintenance and Care (2019) Audrey Desjardins Design, User Experience Design
Autoethnography of a Hard of Hearing Traveler (2019) Audrey Desjardins Design, Human-computer Interaction
Bespoke Booklets: A Method for Situated Co-Speculation (2019) Audrey Desjardins Critical Theory, Design, Interaction Design, User Experience Design
Baroque to Neo-Baroque: Curves of an Art Historical Concept (2019) Estelle Lingo 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century
Bespoke booklets on a table Alternative Avenues for IoT: Designing with Non-Stereotypical Homes (2019) Audrey Desjardins Design, Human-computer Interaction, Interaction Design
"Worried Notes and Troubled Light: Music and Hegel in Mondrian’s Aesthetic Philosophy" (2019) Emma McIntosh 20th Century, Abstract Art, Art History, Avant-garde
Nanni di Banco’s Assumption of the Virgin relief and its lost silk girdle (2018) Or Vallah 15th Century, Art History, Italian, Renaissance, Sculpture
Transdisciplinary Coursework in Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities (2017) Jason O. Germany Design, Industrial Design
Unraveling the Knot (2017) Or Vallah 15th Century, Art History
Ad Hoc Pairings: Semantic Relationships and Mobile Devices (2016) Jason O. Germany Design, Industrial Design
Living In A Prototype: A Reconfigured Space (2016) Audrey Desjardins Design, Human-computer Interaction, Interaction Design
Behind the Lens: A Visual Exploration of Epistemological Commitments in HCI Research on the Home (2016) Audrey Desjardins Design, Human-computer Interaction, Interaction Design
Avalanche Beacon Parks: Skill Development and Team Coordination in a Technological Training Ground (2016) Audrey Desjardins Design, Human-computer Interaction, Interaction Design
Keynote address at BWxD 2016 by Tad Hirsch Designing Material Participation (2016) Tad Hirsch Design, Interaction Design
Device Relationships: The Social Attributes of Ad Hoc Mobile Devices (2015) Jason O. Germany Design, Industrial Design

