School IT staff can assist in the use of learning technologies, including Canvas. Staff also supports the use of audio-visual equipment in the School's classrooms.
Canvas + Learning Technologies
The School utilizes Canvas, which is licensed by the UW. UW IT offers support to Canvas users, including faculty, students, and staff. If you require immediate assistance and School IT staff are not available, you can visit the Learning Technologies Help Desk in room 230 of Odegaard Undergraduate Library. Other resources are the UW Canvas Help Guides and the Canvas Instructor Guide.
Classroom Audio-Visual
If you need a tutorial prior to presenting in an Art Building classroom, feel free to contact School IT staff. For equipment checkout, visit room 023 in the Art Building. Students may also reserve equipment through the Student Technology Loan Program.
If you experience problems with audio-visual equipment in Art Building classrooms please contact UW Academic Technologies via phone (206-221-5000) or email. Be sure to specify the room that has the problem.
Image Resources
This is a large and constantly growing database of images available through a UW Libraries subscription. Access Artstor from this webpage since UW NetID login is required when using it off campus. Images from this resource are intended for use by current faculty, staff, and students for purposes related to the UW's teaching mission. Other uses may be a violation of the U.S. Copyright Code.