Ilana Harris-Babou Long Con exhibition banner

Ilana Harris-Babou: Long Con

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is pleased to present recent video work by Ilana Harris-Babou. The exhibition is on view November 19, 2020 – January 16, 2021. NOTE: the exhibition is currently only open to School students, faculty, and staff.

November 6, 2020
Code chit chat

Voices+Voids: Reclaiming and Transcoding Our Data as Performance

A November 20 event launched a project website featuring research by Assistant Professors Audrey Desjardins (Interaction Design), Afroditi Psarra (DXARTS), and Bonnie Whiting (Percussion Studies). Discussion was moderated by Emily Zimmerman. Video is available.

November 3, 2020
Notes on the Unseen banner image

Notes on the Unseen: 2nd Year MFA Exhibition

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is pleased to present artwork by nine graduate students. The exhibition will be on view from October 28 through November 14, 2020. Individual, no-contact viewing appointments are available.

October 19, 2020
Jamie Walker

Director's Notes

It was a summer like no other. A reduced schedule of classes was all taught online and most staff worked remotely. Only a handful of faculty, staff, and graduate students were to be found in our buildings…

October 6, 2020
Crossing by Katie Miller

Alumni News – October 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of October 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

October 5, 2020
Red River Valley by Allison Collins

Alumni News – September 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of September 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

October 1, 2020
Individual, no-contact viewing at Jacob Lawrence Gallery

Visiting the Jacob Lawrence Gallery

Beginning on September 30, 2020, visitors may again view exhibitions at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. There are a few steps to follow in order to take advantage of this opportunity during the gallery's normal hours.

September 28, 2020
Exhibition for Sang-gyeun Ahn, Flint Jamison, Michael Swaine

Sang-gyeun Ahn | Flint Jamison | Michael Swaine

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition that features work by three School faculty members. The exhibition runs from September 30 through October 17, 2020, and the gallery is reopening for individual, no-contact viewing.

September 28, 2020
The Black Embodiments Studio logo

BES begins new residency at Jacob Lawrence Gallery

Beginning this autumn, the Jacob Lawrence Gallery and School of Art + Art History + Design at the University of Washington welcome The Black Embodiments Studio (BES) as a resident program for the next two academic years.

September 21, 2020
Pond Dance by Georgia Gerber

Alumni News – August 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of August 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

September 1, 2020
Dare to Judge curated by Stefan Gonzales

Sean Sullivan: Dare to Judge

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery hosts the inaugural curatorial residency for a UW BIPOC graduate student. Curator Stefan Leandro Gonzales has created an exhibition that examines connections between queer experience and domestic space. Dates are September 4–26, 2020.

August 24, 2020
Lux Aeterna banner

Lux Aeterna

This year-long online research platform and exhibition traces and troubles the currents of technical migration and image circulation. It is curated by Jacob Lawrence Gallery Director + Curator Emily Zimmerman and produced in partnership with Northwest Film Forum.

August 21, 2020
AIGA Get Out The Vote poster by Karen Cheng

Women Get Out the Vote

Visual Communication Design Professors Karen Cheng and Annabelle Gould were among a group of women designers invited by AIGA to create Get Out the Vote posters to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

August 20, 2020
Strange Coupling 2020 artwork details

Strange Coupling

Strange Coupling has been a student-run tradition in the School's Division of Art since 2002. For the first time, this year's exhibition has a theme — Memory — and the exhibition is online. It launches August 21, and there is an online reception.

August 20, 2020
Zoom background by Cicelia Ross-Gotta

Alumni News – July 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of July 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

August 4, 2020
Muler by Kim Van Someren

2020 Seattle Deconstructed Art Fair

While there is no Seattle Art Fair this year, a number of galleries from Seattle and beyond have banded together to create the SDAF during August. At least 20 galleries are showing work by alums, staff, and/or faculty.

July 31, 2020
Jamie Walker

Director's Notes

Each quarter of the academic year serves as a framework with a familiar pattern to those of us fortunate enough to study and work here. We are beholden to this particular rhythm, which provides structure…

June 23, 2020
Photograph by Eirik Johnson

Alumni News – June 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of June 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

June 21, 2020
Reception for Design Show 2019

2020 Graduation Exhibitions

Each year the School proudly celebrates graduating Art and Design students — both undergraduate and graduate — with a series of exhibitions at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery and the Henry Art Gallery. This year they are all online.

June 1, 2020
Ebb and Flow poster

IVA Open House

The students in several spring quarter Interdisciplinary Visual Art classes are sharing their work with you through a virtual open house. IVA is the largest concentration in our BA in Art major, and the students work in a variety of media.

May 29, 2020
SunTest by Jaq Chartier

Alumni News – May 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of May 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

May 29, 2020
Jennifer on her 8th Birthday (empty) by H. Detweiler

Photo/Media Open House

While Photo/Media faculty and students are not able to welcome you to the Art Building for an Open House on May 14 as originally planned, we are featuring Photo/Media work on Instagram and in online galleries.

May 11, 2020
Jitterbug by Betz Bernhard

Alumni News – April 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of April 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

April 30, 2020
Diablo del Agua vessel by George Rodriguez

Alumni News – March 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of March 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

March 31, 2020
Screenshot from exhibition walkthrough video

JLG Vimeo Channel

During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the Jacob Lawrence Gallery has created a Vimeo channel to continue to create meaningful connections between artists and audiences.

March 19, 2020
Ben Gale-Schreck (center) and others

Alumni News – February 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of February 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

February 28, 2020
Fully Furnished by Brighton McCormick

2020 MFA + MDes Thesis Exhibition

We are planning an enhanced showcase website to highlight the work of our graduating graduate students since in-gallery exhibitions are not possible during spring quarter due to COVID-19.

February 24, 2020
As, Not For exhibition banner

As, Not For: Dethroning Our Absolutes

An exhibition in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery and at Non-Breaking Space. It is curated by Jerome Harris and is an incomplete historical survey of work created by African-American graphic designers over the last century.

February 11, 2020
Ceci Moss

Expanded Internet Art – Book Release with Ceci Moss

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is pleased to host the February 27 Seattle book release for Ceci Moss’ Expanded Internet Art: Twenty-First-Century Artistic Practice and the Informational Milieu.

February 8, 2020
Ceramic and Metal Arts Building

3D4M Open House

Join us on February 25 from 6–9pm for an exploration of the facilities used by our 3D4M: ceramics + glass + sculpture Program. Talk with faculty, staff, and students plus watch people work in the glass hot shop.

January 14, 2020
Jamie Walker

Director's Notes

As 2019 rolled to a close and ushered in a new decade, the waning weeks of December were filled with joy, not only for completing another energizing quarter of teaching and learning but also for a number of newsworthy announcements, events, and…

January 14, 2020
Omak Lake 2 by Joe Feddersen

Alumni News – January 2020

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of January 2020. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

January 11, 2020
Even ghosts have their ghosts by Marisa Williamson

Marisa Williamson: Angel of History

An exhibition in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery that features newly commissioned artwork by Marisa Williamson, the 2020 Jacob Lawrence Legacy Resident. It opens on January 28 and runs through February 28.

January 7, 2020
White Noise exhibition by Kerry Skarbakka

Alumni News – December 2019

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of December 2019. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

January 2, 2020
Video by Gala and Zack Bent

Alumni News – November 2019

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of November 2019. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

December 2, 2019
The Reign of Narcissism by Barbara Bloom

2020 Critical Issues Lecture Series

This 2020 lecture series begins on January 9 and ends on March 12. All lectures are hosted at the Henry Art Gallery. They are free and open to the public.

November 21, 2019
Marisa Williamson

2020 Jacob Lawrence Legacy Residency

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery, the gallery of the University of Washington School of Art + Art History + Design, is delighted to announce that Marisa Williamson will be its 2020 Jacob Lawrence Legacy Resident.

November 12, 2019
Meany Exhibition 2019


Eight students have work on display in the lower lobby of Meany Center for the Performing Arts until mid-June. The exhibition was co-curated by students Elizabeth Calvillo and Raziah Ahmad through their work with the Jacob Lawrence Gallery.

November 4, 2019
Photo by Valda Nogueira

ALTAR: Prayer, Ritual, Offering

An exhibition in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery presented by MFON: Women Photographers of the African Diaspora. It opens on November 15 and closes with a reception on the evening of November 22. NOTE: exhibition extended through Wednesday, November 27.

October 29, 2019
Jamie Walker

Director's Notes

It is a beautiful, sunny afternoon with the irrefutable signs of autumn accompanying the recent return of students and faculty to campus. The meetings and gatherings in preparation for the new academic year…

October 1, 2019
Area Array by Stephanie Simek

Irreducible Forms

An exhibition in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery that features artwork by eight second-year Master of Fine Arts students. It opens with an evening reception on October 23 and runs through November 9.

October 1, 2019
Flow by Kristen Ramirez

Alumni News – October 2019

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of October 2019. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

October 1, 2019
Painting by Shuo Yin

Yin + Tropical Lab 13

Shuo Yin, a Painting + Drawing MFA student, attended this residency in Singapore during the summer. He has an exhibition of work created during and inspired by that experience opening on November 7.

September 29, 2019
Work by Ellen Lesperance

Alumni News – September 2019

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of September 2019. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

September 27, 2019
Autumn leaves and Art Building

Faculty Lectures

During autumn quarter, six faculty members will each give presentations as part of the promotion process. They begin on September 26 and end on October 30. All three divisions are represented.

September 12, 2019
Keechelus 9032 by Joe Freeman Jr

Alumni News – August 2019

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of August 2019. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

September 3, 2019
Title page design by Annabelle Gould

Composite Gestures

This exhibition in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery highlights work by three Division of Design faculty members: Jason Germany, Annabelle Gould, and Axel Roesler. It opens on September 25 and runs through October 12.

August 20, 2019
RepairCycle by Coreen Callister, David Duyker, and Logan Windish

2019 SDF Block Party

The Seattle Design Festival Block Party took place on August 24 and 25. Numerous installations in Lake Union Park addressed issues related to BALANCE, this year's festival theme. At least three of these involved School-affiliated people.

August 6, 2019
Panther collection by ForanSuon

Alumni News – July 2019

This is a listing of alumni news as posted to our social media outlets during the month of July 2019. Most news like this goes onto our Twitter feed; you can receive it in real-time by following us there.

August 2, 2019
Still from Time-Clock by James Coupe

James Coupe: Exercises in Passivity

This Jacob Lawrence Gallery exhibition features the work of James Coupe, an Associate Professor at the UW's Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS). It opens on July 31 and runs through August 24.

July 11, 2019