Pantheon by Gavriella Aguilar

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Art News

Fruit Bowl III by Kayla Mohammadi
A variety of alumni news sourced from social media, newsletters, emails, RSS feeds, and more. You can send your news to Read more
Painting by Abigail Drapkin of a peach, election ballot, abortion pills, banana, and Georgia O'Keefe postcard
A variety of alumni news sourced from social media, newsletters, emails, RSS feeds, and more. You can send your news to Read more
Class project made of textiles and found objects by Hayden Stern
Hayden Stern, a transfer student new to UW, shares their experience in this autumn quarter class taught by Interdisciplinary Visual Art Assistant Professor Rob Rhee. The class ultimately redirected Stern's focus in the Art major. Read more
Art Building framed by blooming cherry trees
Please share! We are excited to announce our opening for a Constituency Relations Officer who "will plan, manage, and implement School efforts to build relationships with alumni and friends of the school, attract private support from individuals and promote the school regionally, nationally, and globally." Read more
Nathan Jones
When Nathan Jones transferred to the UW, he chose majors based on interest rather than career security: Creative Writing in the Department of English and Painting + Drawing in the School of Art + Art History + Design. That decision paid off.  Read more
NED (Not Entirely Dead) thesis installation at Henry Art Gallery
A variety of alumni news sourced from social media, newsletters, emails, RSS feeds, and more. You can send your news to Read more
Design work by Andrew Allen
This quarter's part-time faculty are Andrew Allen, Nathan Auer, Stephen Bader, Melanie Enderle, Stefan Gonzales, Drew Hamlin, Holly Hazelton, Philippe Hyojung Kim, Alanna MacGowan, Gino Scarpino, Gabriel Stromberg, KCJ Szwedzinski, Yongqi Tang, and Jayme Yen. Read more
Public art by Leo Saul Berk above an escalator
This story about Sound Transit public art quotes Interdisciplinary Visual Art Assistant Professor Whitney Lynn and alum Mary Ann Peters. It also mentions the work of alums Leo Saul Berk and Roger Shimomura. Read more
Public art sculpture by Norie Sato
A variety of alumni news sourced from social media, newsletters, emails, RSS feeds, and more. You can send your news to Read more
Lele Barnett
Lele Barnett is an art advisor, curator, and producer based in Seattle who has experience working with a variety of artists, organizations, and corporations. She graduated from the School in 1999 with a BA in both Interdisciplinary Visual Arts and Art History. Read more


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