At the Circus: The Spanish Walk by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

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ART 101 B: Visual Art and Creative Thinking

Meeting Time: 
TTh 9:30am - 10:50am
* *
Joint Sections: 
ART 101 C, ART 101 D, ART 101 A
Claire Cowie
Claire Cowie

Syllabus Description:

ART 101 Visual Art and Creative Thinking

Autumn 2020
Tues./Thurs. 9:30am – 10:50am (Sections A, B, C and D all meet at this same time)
Office Hours: Tues./Thurs. 11am-noon
Autumn 2020 - This course will be taught remotely online via Zoom
Join URL
Meeting ID: 997 2541 8917


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This course will explore how we observe and interpret our visual world. We will examine a variety of working methods to translate concepts into creative solutions. Students will be introduced to art and design terminology, techniques and analysis. Assignments include short drawing, sculpting, writing, photography, design, and critical thinking exercises as well as lectures by visiting arts professionals and group activities. This is a great orientation to the opportunities available for students considering a major or minor in Art, Art History or Design, or as an elective for those pursuing other majors who want to gain more art-making and art-appreciation skills.

Examples of Projects/Processes:

- Temporary tattoo and sticker design. Best designs get printed and distributed to students, with lots of extras to the chosen artists!!

- Virtual tour of public art on UW campus

- Sculpting with everyday, household materials

- Demonstrations in: collage, watercolor, and pencil drawing

- Narrative through visuals: photography using your phone camera

- Lectures and interviews with interesting, diverse,  artists working in a range of media

- Feedback and image submission will be through Google Drive

Commitment to Positive Learning
Our classroom environment should be mutually respectful and inclusive of all students. Diversity of all kinds is essential to a thriving creative and critical environment. Thoughtful questions and debate are encouraged. Please be responsible and act with accountability toward each other.

Claire Cowie
Artist-in-Residence, Interdisciplinary Visual Arts (IVA)
Preferred pronouns: she/her

This is where you will find information for all your classes, such as the course calendar, assignments, grades, announcements, and files. Students and faculty can initiate a discussion board.

Art Advising

Intern/Teaching Assistants
Baoyi Ma
Lori Erickson

Visiting Artists
Names and contacts will be listed here after each visit:
George Rodriguez
Monyee Chau

Grading Policy
Receiving full credit is based upon excellent participation, responsibility in all aspects of the course, and successful completion of all course assignments throughout the quarter.

Assignment details will be given verbally in class, and posted to Canvas as they are assigned. Individual assignments will range in value from 2% - 15% of your final grade. Grades will be posted to Canvas in the form of points equal to those percentages.

Late work will be accepted for up to 1 week after the due date. However, there will be an automatic 10% deduction (for not meeting the deadline) applied before the work is graded. 

Rubric Here

Supplies and other info in this Welcome Letter




Catalog Description: 
Explores how we observe/interpret our visual world. Introduces art and design terminology, techniques and analysis. Class sessions include short drawing, writing, critical thinking exercises, as well as lectures by visiting arts professionals and group activities. Ideal class for students exploring majors in Art, Art history or Design.
GE Requirements: 
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated: 
July 28, 2020 - 9:01pm

