- Spring 2020
Syllabus Description:
Individual Projects in Printmaking - Serigraphy (Screen Print)
Spring Quarter 2020
T/TH 2:30pm-5:20pm
5 Credits
All instruction will be online using Canvas ( with integrated Zoom and Panopto)
Instructor: Claire Cowie cmcowie@uw.edu
Instructional Technician: Kim van Someren kimvs@uw.edu
This course will provide instruction on screenprinting methods and materials. The instruction consists of demonstrations, individual discussions, and group critiques. Students are expected to have a firm understanding of drawing and design terminology as well as a basic foundation skills. Students will learn the fundamentals of stencil processes, and apply them to a variety of screenprinting possibilities, including hand-cut paper and found object direct stencils, painted applications,
CHECK CANVAS ART 245A course site for continuing updates on calendar, assignments, grades, announcements, links to relevant information and copies of all handouts.
Final exam session: Tues. June 9th 4:30 – 6:20pm
Online Final Critique
Grading rubric is under “files” on Canvas and posted in the classroom. Check Canvas ART 450A course site for continuing updates on calendar, assignments, grades, announcements, links to relevant information and copies of all handouts. Late work will be penalized by 10%.