Landmark by Sarah Reitz

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ART 390 A: Intermediate Drawing

Meeting Time: 
TTh 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 304
Zhi Lin
Zhi Lin

Syllabus Description:

Prof Zhi LIN
Office: Art Building 326
By appointment on Tuesday (from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.)

  • School of Art Building Hours
    Mon- Fri 8:00 a.m. – 06:20 p.m.
  • Classroom Code
    Room 304: LIV
    Please do not share this code with anyone and ensure the key is returned to the lockbox and both the lockbox and door are locked. 

Course Overview

Intermediate Drawing is a continuation of the visual principles that students were exposed to in Beginning Drawing and Introduction to Figure Drawing. Problems in Intermediate Drawing are greater and conceptually more complex. More emphasis is given to the development of individual student qualities, critical thinking, and becoming more critical about your drawings. Intermediate Drawing will deal with specific visual problems through observation and investigation of large still-life settings, human figures, and landscapes.

Course Regulations

• Participation in the class is one of the essential requirements for the course. Active involvement in-class critiques and discussions will reflect the student's understanding of course materials, and receiving feedback from the instructor as well as from classmates will be crucial for every student's learning in the class.
• You are responsible for getting the information and assignments you missed from your classmates.
• Within the class time in the classroom, you should not wear headphones, or do homework for other classes. Please turn off all your electronic devices (cell phone, touch screens).
• Each week and each class, assignments, or parts of assignments will be due. Expect approximately 10 to 15 hours of homework a week, or 2 hours per weekday outside of the class.
• The instructor only grades classroom assignments, which are supervised by the instructor in the classroom, and homework that is given by the instructor.
• Missing assignments will adversely affect your final grade. Missing one assignment will cut one letter grade off your final grade. Late work will result in lowered grades (at least one letter grade, e.g., from A to B, or from 3.8 to 2.8).


4 (A) Excellent Work that exceeds the requirements of the assignment and performance expectation of the class.
3 (B) Above average work that demonstrates a thorough understanding of the assignment, with enthusiastic participation in the class.
2 (C) Average work that meets the minimum course requirements.
1 (D) Below average work with minimal involvement in the class.
0 (F) Failure to accomplish the requirements of the assignment.

Grading Criteria
All work for this class should be approached with a high degree of professionalism. Attendance is required for all class sessions. If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact classmates to make up the work. Please make every effort to be on time. Arriving late is seen as a lack of interest and a sign of disrespect for your colleagues. Work that is not ready at the beginning of class will not be critiqued. Late work is heavily discouraged and will not be accepted without prior permission. Grading is based on the quality of your work during the quarter (both visually and conceptually); on your drawing process (the extent of exploration and variation throughout each project) and participation in group discussions and critiques. Please note: there will be no opportunity for revisions on any projects this quarter.

A 3.8–4.0 is given to a student who has exhibited the highest possible performance in all aspects of the course—final projects, the drawing process, and participation are excellent. This student independently seeks out additional information on drawing and is highly committed/passionate about their work.

A 3.4–3.7 is given to a student who exhibits superior performance in all aspects of the course—the final projects, drawing process, and participation are uniformly of high quality. This student has a thorough understanding of all concepts presented and is motivated to improve and succeed.

A 2.9–3.3 is given to a student who has good performance in most aspects of the course. This student follows a thorough design process, has good drawing work, and consistent participation that reflects a clear understanding of almost all concepts being presented.

A 2.5–2.8 is given to a student who has fair performance in the course. The final work is adequate, with a drawing process that reflects the minimum needed to complete assignments. Participation and motivation are moderate.

A 0.0–2.4 is given to a student with poor performance in the course. Projects are incorrectly prepared, incomplete, or missing. This student does not understand the majority of concepts presented and rarely participates in class. This student is not prepared for subsequent courses in drawing.

Final Critique & Portfolio
1) There are no specific written exams. The presentation of a portfolio, handing in the final assignment, and the final critique function as the final. During the scheduled final of the course, the instructor will give the final critique. Everyone must attend the scheduled final in person; failure to do so will result in receiving an F for the course. You can find the schedule on the UW website at

2) At the end of the quarter, submit a portfolio of all work and only work for this course. In the portfolio, write your name, course number, and project name on the back of each of your pieces. And put work in chronological order, from the first project to last.

3) Due date: Complete portfolios are due at the beginning of the last class of the quarter. Any late portfolio will result in course failure.

There is no specific text for this class; however, there will be books placed on reserve in the library from which individual references will be suggested to students.

Disability Accommodation
To request academic accommodation due to disability, please contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz, (206) 543-3924 (V/TTY). If you have a letter from Disabled Student Services indicating that you have a disability that requires academic accommodations, please present the letter to me so we can discuss the accommodations you might need in this class.

• UW SafeCampus*
• Preventing violence is everyone's responsibility. If you're concerned, tell someone.
• Always call 911 if you or others may be in danger.
• Call 206-685-SAFE (7233) to report non-urgent threats of violence and for referrals to UW counseling and/or safety resources. TTY or VP callers, please call through your preferred relay service.
• Don't walk alone. Campus safety guards can walk with you on campus after dark. Call Husky Night Walk 206-685-WALK (9255).
• Stay connected in an emergency with UW Alert. Register your mobile number to receive instant notification of campus emergencies via text and voice messaging. Sign up online at
• For more information, visit the SafeCampus website at

Art Supply Stores
Artist & Craftsman Supply – 4350 8th Avenue NE    (206) 545-0091
Blick Art Materials – 1600 Broadway Avenue            (206) 324-0750
Dakota Art Store – 6110 Roosevelt Way NE             (206) 523-4830
Daniel Smith  – 4150 1st Avenue                              (206) 223-9599
University Bookstore  – 4326 University Way NE     (206) 634-3400

Art Supplies
The instructor will provide students with an art supply list attached to each assignment.

Your personal items/work
All personal property will be removed on the last day of finals week each quarter

Catalog Description: 
Prerequisite: ART 290.
GE Requirements: 
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated: 
November 19, 2019 - 9:01pm

