Entry installation at Design Show 2016

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ART 253 B: Introduction to 3D4M: Ceramics

Meeting Time: 
MW 8:30am - 11:20am
* *
Michael Swaine
Michael Swaine

Syllabus Description:

Beginning  Ceramics: ART 253 B: spring 2021

 Monday and Wedsnaday morning at 8:30- 11:20am on ZOOM

Professor: Michael Swaine
Office Hours: By appointment only
e-mail: swaine@uw.edu

(technition for the class - Jinsoo Song - jsong74@uw.edu





...........matter(s) of concern turning

into matter(s) of action....................

This ceramic class will push how far a material can stretch in space and time. We will look at mud, clay & ceramics, all with the lens of action and interaction. How can objects that we make become tools for conversation, props for protest? Can CLAY compete with twitter? Can we get MUD into our facebook? 

"the aim of art

is to uncover the questions

that have been occluded

by the answers"

- James Baldwin



"The public realm, as the common world, gathers us to gather and yet prevents our falling over each other, so to speak. What makes mass society so difficult to bear is not the number of people involved, or at least primarily, but the fact that the world between them has lost its power to gather them together, to relate and separate them. The weirdness of this situation resembles a spiritualistic seance where a number of people gather around a table might suddenly, through some magic trick, see the table vanish from the midst, so that two persons sitting opposite from midst, so that two persons sitting opposite each other were no longer separated but also would be entirely unrelated to each other by anything tangible."  (p.48-The Human Condition-Hannah Arendt)


Please watch these videos during the few weeks -thank you 



more to see:






The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created. The classroom with all its limitations remains a location of possibility. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labour for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. This is education as the practice of freedom. (bell hooks 1994: 207)








Class Participation, Engagement, and Learning Policies

Classes offered in art, art history and design require students to be engaged as active and verbal learners in order to

successfully complete the course. In addition to completing assignments and exams our expectation is that you will

consistently participate in the classroom and studio during class time. It is this consistent participation and contribution

to discussions, critique, gallery exhibition activities, team projects, and presentations of your research with faculty and

peers that guarantees your learning, contributes to your academic accomplishments, and supports your professional

goals after graduation. 

Failure to comply with any of the following will undermine your learning and negatively affect your grade.


1. Absences from class

 Absences from class prevent participation and UW guidelines suggest that participation may account for at

least 15% of your grade. Check your syllabus, in some cases participation may account for as much as 30%

of your grade.

 If you miss class due to illness or emergency, notify your instructor immediately, provide documentation, and

set-up a timeline to complete missed assignments and exams.


2. Safety

 It is your responsibility to abide by any safety policies outlined in class.

 Taking responsibility for cleaning up is required of all students enrolled in art and design studios. It promotes

safety, builds community and demonstrates a sense of responsibility to your learning.

 Spray booths are provided for use of aerosols and their use is mandatory.


3. Academic standards

 Plagiarism is using the creations, ideas, words, inventions, or images of someone else in your own work

without formally acknowledging them. This applies to written papers and research as well as to art, design

and architectural images. All plagiarized assignments or tests will receive a grade of 0.

 Copy-right Student work plus photos and videos of students may be used by the SoAAHD to illustrate our

programs. We assume that by participating in SoAAHD classes and activities you have no objection. If you

do have concerns please talk with the Academic Advisers in 104 Art.


4. Assignments, examinations and critiques

 It is your responsibility to complete all assignments, take all exams, and participate in all class critiques and

discussions as scheduled by your instructor.

 Students are required to take final exams as scheduled by the University of Washington.

 Exceptions to the above may be granted in cases of documented emergencies but must be approved by the



5. Grading

 Grades in Art, Art History and Design courses are based on:

 Incomplete grades are only an option if:

o participation and engagement in the classrooms and studios

o meeting deadlines for the completion of all assignments, exams and critiques

o the quality of the work you submit during the quarter

o you have been in attendance and done satisfactory work through the eighth week of the quarter.

o you have furnished satisfactory proof to the instructor that the work cannot be completed because of

illness or other circumstances beyond your control

o Contact the instructor to discuss your concern.

o If not resolved, make an appointment with the Director of Academic Advising, 104 Art, 543-0646.

 Grade Appeal Procedure if you think the grade you received is incorrect:



7. Equal Opportunity

 The School of Art reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national

origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam-

era veteran in accordance with UW policy and applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.


8. Violence Awareness and Prevention

 Preventing violence, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation is everyone's responsibility.

 Call 911 for emergency help. Call 206-685-SAFE to report non-urgent threats or concerns.

 SafeCampus: www.washington.edu/safecampus.

 Concerns about sexual harassment: http://studentlife.washington.edu/?s=title+ix


 Don't walk alone. Campus safety guards can walk with you on campus after dark. Call Husky NightWalk 206-

685-WALK (9255).

 Connect to UW Alert. Register your mobile number to receive instant notification of campus emergencies via

text and voice messaging. Sign up online: www.washington.edu/alert (Links to an external site.)


9. Disability Accommodation

 To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Student Disability Services, 448

Schmitz, (206) 543-8924 (V/TTY) or uwdss@u.washington.edu.

 If you have a letter from Student Disability Services requesting academic accommodations, please present

this to your instructor on the first day of class.


Here is a link to other  Art + Art History + Design school policies: 

http://art.washington.edu/advising/policies/general/ (Links to an external site.)



Catalog Description: 
Introduces ceramic hand-building and wheel throwing techniques. Explores functional and conceptual considerations with clay in a contemporary context and art practice. Offered: AWSp.
GE Requirements: 
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated: 
February 11, 2021 - 10:00pm

