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ART H 380 A: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art

Meeting Time: 
MWF 8:30am - 9:50am
ART 003
Kolya Rice
Kolya Rice

Syllabus Description:

AH 380a: Survey of 19th and 20th Century Western Art

Spring 2023

AH 380A Spring 2023 Syllabus.docx

UW Grading Scale.docx

Edouard Manet, Bar at the Follies Bergere (1888)

Instructor: Kolya Rice

Office/Hours: Art 302: M/W 10-11 and by appointment


This course surveys the major trends and key figures in Western painting, sculpture and alternative art forms from c.1780 to the present.  Designed to impart to students a familiarity with the canonical works, styles and persistent themes in 19th and 20th century Western art, this course will emphasize understanding the art of this period as a product of its rich socio-cultural context.  Further, this class will introduce some of the fundamental methods and strategies involved in Art Historical interpretations, so that students may continue to employ and develop their engagement with art and visual culture beyond the classroom environment. Although the class is anchored by lectures, numerous in-class discussions of rich reserve readings will punctuate the course.


1.    Special topics readings, listed as ER on the syllabus, can be found in the weekly modules and under the “files” tab on Canvas.
2.    If you feel the need for a text, this one can be found on Amazon:
H.H. Arnason and Marla F. Prather, History of Modern Art: Painting, 
Sculpture, Architecture, Photography, 7th ed. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall: 2013)

To help you prepare for exams, a selection of slides viewed in class during the week can be found as PDF files on Canvas, under the “files” tab. 

Course Requirements:
1.    Active participation in all meetings. Please note, active participation assumes that you thoroughly read and think about course materials in advance of class meetings, that you meaningfully contribute to discussions, and that you complete any informal exercises assigned.
2.    Midterm Exam
3.     5-page interpretive essay
4.    Final Exam
Note: make-up exams will not be given without legitimate documentation of severe illness, family emergencies, etc. Extensions for written work will be granted only under similar conditions. Late papers will not be accepted. All course requirements must be completed for credit to be awarded.

Midterm Exam (35%)
Final Exam (35%)
Interpretive essay (15%)
Active Participation (15%)

UW Grading Scale.docx

Key dates to remember:
5/1        Midterm Slide Identification in class
              Take-home Midterm essay prompts open on Canvas
5/7        Midterm essays due on Canvas
6/2        Interpretive essay due
              Final Slide Identification in class
              Take-home Final Exam essay prompts open on Canvas
6/6        Final Exams essays due on Canvas


Academic Misconduct:

I assume that you will follow the UW policies concerning Academic Misconduct. Note that the UW regards acts of academic dishonesty, including such activities as plagiarism, cheating, and unauthorized collaboration as acts of academic misconduct. To be clear, unauthorized collaboration, including the use of Chegg, Course Hero and any AI-based tools such as ChatGPT is strictly prohibited in this course.


As to plagiarism, your posts/submissions must present your own ideas in your own words. If you copy someone’s exact words, you must put them in quotation marks. If you summarize, paraphrase, or quote someone else’s ideas, facts, or words, you must cite your sources. Failure to follow these policies will result in a report of academic misconduct, which may become a part of your permanent academic record.


As we begin the quarter, I as your instructor/professor want to inform you about how to voice concerns that may come up while you’re enrolled in this course. If your concern is something you feel you can discuss with me, I’m open to hearing about it. If it’s not something you feel you can discuss with me, or if we have a conversation about it that doesn’t successfully address your concern, there are other people available to help you resolve it. The nature of your concern can inform whom you should speak with about it: for example, I as your instructor am your first resource for discussing whether your DRS accommodations are being met, while students who are experiencing harassment from a faculty member, staff member, or student could reach out to SafeCampus immediately. The School of Art + Art History + Design Advising team is a fantastic resource for directing you where to go, and you can find a detailed explanation of the various pathways available to you on the School’s Voicing a Concern document. The link is available HERE, or in the School’s website under the tab labelled “The School.”





Catalog Description: 
Arts and architecture of Europe and America from Romanticism to the present.
GE Requirements: 
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated: 
January 24, 2023 - 1:24am

