Antiphon by Peter Barbor

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Art History News

A compilation of alumni news sourced from social media, newsletters, emails, RSS feeds, and more. You can send your news to Read more
Or Vallah
Art History PhD Candiate Or Vallah is among the UW students who received awards from the Harlan Hahn Endowment Fund in Disability Studies, Dennis Lang Award, and Barbara Greenberg Distinguished Scholarship for Disability Studies. Read more
The Jacob Lawrence Gallery graduation exhibit featuring work from graduting students in the arts department.  Photo: Jacquelyn Jimenez Romero
As we enter the second half of spring quarter and seniors inch closer toward graduation, the School of Art + Art History + Design begins a new set of exhibitions called “Material Latitudes” in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Read more
Material Latitudes
Each year the School proudly celebrates graduating Art and Design students with a series of exhibitions at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery and the Henry Art Gallery. Join us for one or more of these in April, May, and June. Read more
We Design by the Human Condition by Thomas Ham
This quarter's part-time faculty include six in the Division of Art, two in the Division of Art History, and four in the Division of Design. Read more
Jamie Walker
Despite the blossom fest coming much later in the season than any of us can remember, we were immensely relieved and grateful when the certificate of occupancy for our newly renovated spaces was granted, as promised, just in time for the quarter to begin. Read more
Spore Drift by Rebecca Cummins
A variety of alumni news sourced from social media, newsletters, emails, RSS feeds, and more. You can send your news to Read more
Analisa Soverns-Reed
Analisa Soverns-Redd shares her journey to becoming an Art History educator and starting her passion project, Accessible Art History.  Read more
Resurgence of the people
Five art historians reflect on Kent Monkman’s artwork and the role it plays in changing the past, current and future collective understanding of American art. Read more
Computer Lab
The Computer Support Technician 2 will provide computer lab and equipment support to faculty, staff and students in the SoA+AH+D.  Read more


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