- Winter 2021
Syllabus Description:
Winter 2021 5 Credits
T/TH 11:30am - 2:20pm All instruction will be online with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous work
Instructor: Claire Cowie cmcowie@uw.edu
Instructional Technician: Kim van Someren kimvs@uw.edu
Link for all Zoom Meetings - https://washington.zoom.us/j/96996601137 - Meeting ID: 969 9660 1137
Link to our 457 Class Folder on Google Drive
This class focuses on the creative and structural development of artists' books. The course addresses structural, technical, conceptual and experimental issues in making books as art. Some assignments focus on traditional practices, and some assignments pose conceptual and experimental questions. Tutorials will be provided for making a variety of structural forms including: pamphlet stitch, stab-binding, accordion fold and Romanesque Braid. We will address issues of sequential imagery, narrative, and the relationships between text and image and structure, and we will look at contemporary practices and innovations in book design as well as historical references. This course addresses issues and skills that are relevant to sculptors, painters, printmakers, photographers, designers, writers, installation artists, and many other fields as there is a wide range of approaches, subjects, and media possible.
Each assignment is worth a certain number of points. The total assignment points for the course add up to 100.
Canvas will also show you your percentage. The scale above shows how you can translate your points/percentages into GPA.
Any work initially submitted on time can be revised or remade for a potential grade improvement.
Late Work Policy
Any work submitted past the due date will be given an automatic 10% deduction/penalty.